chapter ten venti's twin brother

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the park are sure very relaxing, the beautiful afternoon sun, the green grass, the happy birds... especially after  eating all those lunxious meal.

but is kinda boring just to walk around like this

" why don't lets play a game of hide and seek " proposed venti

" yea sure " they said.

" ok me and xiao will be the seeker. you and aether can be the hider " said kazuha

" alright "

so aether and venti started hiding as kazuha and xiao are counting to 60.

" lets hide here! " said venti as he pulls aether into the bush." there is no way they are gonna find us here ehe " 

they stayed in the bush for about ten minute, kazuha and xiao still haven't found them.

" is soo boring to just wait here, lets play some game on my phone " suggested venti

so they played some boring mobile game on venti's phone. then a notification poped up, is a text from xiao, it says " is getting dark and i just remembered i had an appointment with the dentist. me and kazuha will be going "

" well it seems like kazuha and xiao are leaving early " said venti " we can still have some fun though. wanna walk around the park a bit? "

" yea sure " aether replied

they walked around in the park. during night time, there is some pretty light in the park, they looked at them. it was fun. they even had a little boat ride in the little lake.

" omg look at that fish! " aether pointed at a golden fish in the pond 

" it sure is pretty " said venti

then he stared at the water a little bit.

" me and my twin brother used to ride boat here all the time... " venti's voice trails off

" twin brother? "

" you know... i used to have a twin brother... his name is barbatos...two years ago... he died in a car accident " venti says as his eyes teared up a bit. 

" i- i am sorry to hear that... " said aether

" me, xiao and barbatos, we are orphans... we.. we rely on each other... now that barbatos is gone... i felt like a part of me is missing.... " venti sniffled

venti remembered all those happy moment that he spend with his twin brother, and can't help but to feel very sad. life have been very hard for both he and xiao after their twin brother passed away. no one takes care of them anymore. whenever venti have some trouble, he always think to himself " what would barbatos do "

" is so rare seeing the cheerful venti being sad, his twin brother's death must have impacted him alot, i cant imagine if one day lumine died " aether thought as he held venti's hand and pulled him into a hug.

venti sniffled a little, aether patted his back.

they havent spoke a word for the rest of the boat ride.

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