chapter twenty six ajax's relatives

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" finally is warm "  says lumine as they enter the door. " thank you ajax, for lending me your coat. "

" anything for you ojou-chan. " ajax said.

" AJAX GEGE! YOU ARE FINALLY HOME " screamed a little kid. the little kid have orange hair, blue eyes,  he looked excatly like ajax but only younger.

the little kid comes and jumped into ajax's arm and gived him a long hug. 

" truecer, did you be a nice boy for mommy and daddy? " ajax chuckled and pat his head.

" i did! " exlaimed the boy named treucer " and look! i got A in all of my subject! "

" nice job! gege is so proud of you! " said ajax " lumine, this is my younger brother, treucer. treucer, this is lumine "

" lumine? isn't that the girl you said is cute in your letter? " asked treucer

lumine and ajax blushed

" omg, is lumine your girlfriend? " treucer exclaimed

" oh shut up " ajax blushed even more. " ahem, anyways i brought some gift for you "

ajax pulled out a bunch of stuff animal from his bag. " look, this is a hilicurl doll, this is a slime doll, this is a cicin mage doll, and a ruined guard "

" omg i love it! " treucer exclaimed and hugged ajax again.

" where is mom and dad and other siblings? " ajax asked

" we are here! " a couple more kids walks out from the room and surrounds ajax. 

ajax hugged each one of them and gets out the gifts from his bag. 

" this is for you tonia " ajax said as he takes out a beautiful dress.

" omg it looked so pretty! " said tonia " i am gonna try it on right now "

after hugging and giving gift to each his sibling, is dinner time.

" so who is this young lady? is she your girlfriend " ajax's mother asked while looking at lumine

" n-no, she is just a friend " ajax blushes " ahem, mom's cooking is still as good as before "

" ofc it is! " yelled treucer.

" anyways daddy, i got some herbs for you. i know you have constant back pain, i think the herbs are really good for back pain. " said ajax " also i brought some jewlary for mommy "

" aww thank you so much ajax " 

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