chapter twenty five going to snezhnaya

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genshin impact high school is having 15 day off. 

xiao went to a motorcycle training camp during christmas break, after hard practice everyday xiao finally recieved his licenses.

aether decided to pay a visit to his uncle dainsleif that lives in khaeri'ah, while lumine recieved an invitation to visit ajax's family in snezhnaya.

" hey girlie! happy christmas! " said ajax as he showed up on lumine's front door.

" hello ajax, come in. "

" sooo girlie, i ordered two ticket to snezhnaya..... " ajax smirked.

" so what? "

" i want you to come with me to snezhnaya! " 

lumine hesitated a bit. " please please! is gonna be so much fun, we will build snowman together, we will snowfight, we will babysit my brother together, i will teach you taekwondo too! snezhnaya is literally so beautiful, you will love it! " ajax begged.

" okok, i will go " said lumine " but first i will have pack my lagauge. "

" don't worry ojou-chan, i already pack your laguage for you! " said ajax " this is all you are going to need during this trip. " 

so lumine went on the train to snezhnaya with ajax. she dozed off on the train, and when she woke up they were already in the ouskirt of snezhnaya.

" ojou-chan, wakie wakie " ajax slightly shooks lumine's shoulder to wake her up.

" a-ajax, i am cold " lumine shivered as she got off the train.

ajax takes off his coat and wrapped it tight around lumine " felt better? " he asked.

lumine nodded, she looked around. snezhnaya looked really different from liyue, inazuma and monstadt, snezhnaya is literally covered in white!

" is so pretty " she exlaimed

" see, i told you you will like it " ajax chuckled " cmon, let's hurry up to my house, we will literally freeze to death if we don't keep moving "

( i promise after snezhnaya comes out i will do a little changes to the chapter )

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