chapter seventy seven choosing professions and AP class

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lumine added @ayato_kamisato on facebook. 

lumine: hello mr.ayato, this is lumine, can you please add me into the AP groupchat?

ayato: hi lumine, aren't you my sister friend? the one that comed with us to the art gallery.

lumine: mhm

ayato: ok i have added you into the AP groupchat, everyone is an AP student in the groupchat, some of them are former AP student, like me, you can talk to them if you want.

ayato: anyways, please fill out this form, is a subject choosing form, just pick 3 - 5 subject based on your profession. after filling out this form, just send it to me.

lumine: kk

when lumine got home, she asked her parent about the professions 

" you should be an engineer " her father suggests " engineer have a very good earning " 

" or a lawyer " her mother suggests

" or a docter! " her father suggests again

lumine went to her room, she opened up her pc, did some research on both professions, eventaully she settled down to being an engineer.

" but what type of engineer though? " she wondered. she discussed this with her parent again. her mom suggested her to be an automobile engineer, since herself is an automobile engineer. 

after choosing an profession, she started reading the form that ayato gaved to her. eventaully, she chose AP math, AP computer science, AP physics, AP chemistry. then she send the form to ayato.

ayato: excellent. here is the links for your courses, they will update one lesson per day.

AP math: httsp://ap.math.onlineacademy

AP computer science: httsp://

AP physics: httsp://ap.physics.onlineacademy

AP chemistry: httsp://ap.chemistry.onlineacademy

lumine: thank you very much!

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