chapter thirteen first cooking club

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with everyone's help, xiangling got up to 6 member in no time. today is xiangling's first cooking club, she teaching them how to make gingerbread, since is easy and is christmas soon.

xiangling's so nervous, is her first time talking infront of that many people. 

she took a deep breath as she walk on the poduim. 

" cmon you can do it! " keqing mouthed, giving xiangling a thumbs up

xiangling gaved keqing a little smile " hey guys! welcome to my cooking club! uhh so why don't we get into partner of two, and each table gets a desk " 

" ganyu, wanna go with me? " keqing asked

" uh- huh "

" hey ojou-chan! let's be partner " said ajax, he grabs lumine's arm before she even said no. 

" ojou-chan? " lumine signed. " what the hell is that "

" is a new nickname that i gived to you " explained ajax.

" i hate it " lumine rolled her eyes

aether looked around the room, everyone already had a partner, except... a boy sits in the corner. he have bandage all over his body. face, leg, arm..

" hey there! i am aether, you wanna be partner with me? "

" oh hey there! i am bennett, and sure! we can be partner. "

" ok guys, our first step is to mix the flour with the water, also add a little ginger powder or brown sugar. " said xiangling as she hand out the ingredient and a bowl and a spoon.

" so bennett, if you don't mind me asking, how did all your bruises on your body come from? " asked aether as he poured some flour into the bowl and start mixing. 

" oh the bruises... well i say i am kinda unlucky. i was just walking, then my face just got scraped by a leaf. then when i was sitting, a couple cat just scratch me for no reason, the one on my leg, i got it because a car ran into me...... " answered the boy in bandage.

" that's so sad " said aether

" i am always this unlucky " sighed bennett.

" after mixing the flour you guys can use the dough and make them into gingerbread shape. like christmas tree, gloves, christmas present etc. " xiangling said.

aether decided to make a christmas tree shape and bennett decided to make a classic gingerbread shape. 

alot of the student in the room are starting to have problem making gingerbread, some of them accidently putted too much water, some of them didn't put enough. xiangling walked around and helped each of them.

" finally everyone made their shape, now lets put them into the oven for ten minute " said xiangling

everyone placed their ginger bread into the oven, including aether and bennett.

ten minutes later, xiangling said " ok, we can take them out now! " 

and everyone took their ginger bread out, but when bennett is taking out he accidently burned his hand.

" OUCH!! "

oh no! a blister is forming on his hand. 

" oh my god... someone take him to the school hosipital to get an icepack! quick! " yelled xiangling

aether quickly grab bennett's arm and went to the school hosipital to get an icepack.

" oh my god... are you okay? "

as aether puts the icepack on bennett's hand, bennett said " see, this is what i am talking about, bad luck "

after bennett and aether left the cooking club still goes on. after taking the gingerbread out of the oven they putted cream and sprinkle on it. everyone successed in making gingerbread. the first cooking club is a success!

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