Chapter Two

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Jᴏsʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ

I see Zayn and Alec looking at the baby's I don't even want to be here I could be doing something more important than this.

I heard a cry and looked behind me there was a baby girl she was wrapped in a pink blanket in the crib.

The other baby's I looked at were scared of my red eyes but when this baby looked at me she smiled.

I picked her up and held her god she's so tiny i start rocking her back and fourth and she laid her head against my shoulder." King Josh I see your taken a liking to Sarah" one of the nurses said smiling.

" Yes I have" I said smiling why has this baby made make me happy it's just a baby.

I sit in one of the chairs and look at Sarah I then notice her eyes turn purple I see my two brothers come over.

I sit Sarah on my lap holding her carefully so she doesn't fall so my brothers can see her." She's so adorable" Alec said.

My mom sees me and comes over and she smiles." My god she's so cute , can I hold her" ? My mom asked I hand her to my mom.

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