Chapter Eight

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Josh talking

𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑐 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔

Zayn talking

Zᴀʏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ

Anger that's all I'm feeling I know there's someone in this castle trying to steal Sarah fuck i wish I know who maybe mom can get a vision."Guys did you find mom yet"?

" No we cant find her anywhere"
I can feel myself getting more pissed I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were red as blood I haven't hunted in a few weeks been worrying to much about Sarah.

I see our dad walk in with him holding our mom she looks almost dead." What the fuck happened"!

" We don't know yet son we found her in the kitchen she will be ok she just needs blood"my dad put his hand over my mom's mouth and she drinks blood from his wrist.

" Where is Sarah is she alright"?

" We can't find her she was with your mother" a few seconds our mom woke up.

" Mom are you ok"?

" Yes dear I'm fine, before I got knocked out I smelled a witch  in the room they must have taken Sarah"

I swear if I have to I'll kill every fucking witch here I start to hear screaming in the main room it was Sarah me and my brother's rushed down. 

We saw a women holding our Sarah." Kings, I wouldn't move if I were you one step and I'll snap her neck right off"

" What do you want Jane, your not welcome here" he growled.

" I'm just delivering a package is all this baby will do this kingdom any good she can't be queen it should be someone who's not a half breed"

" Jane she's just a baby don't hurt her" she gives me a fake smile puts her head on Sarah and mumbles a spell.

" Now I'll give you three choices, kill the baby yourself, get rid of her, or marry me and impregnate me so they can be heir of the kingdom" This bitch is crazy.

" Fuck you Jane" Josh tried to lunge at her but he couldn't move.

I tried to move I couldn't move either what the fuck did she do

" Jane I promise you this if you take Sarah away from us we will find you and kill you" she laughs and walks to the door.

" Don't worry boys everyone will be able to move in a hour but by then it will be to late" i see Sarah looking at us with tears.

" Daddy" Sarah mumbled

I'm gonna fucking shred Jane to bits


So That happened 😥 this chapter was hard to write

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