Chapter Thirty

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Josh talking

Josh's pov

Today   I'm telling Sarah the truth about who she is the original plan was to get a DNA test when she was comfortable but me being impatient I got one fast I couldn't wait.

Yeah I know it wasn't the right time and my brothers were pissed but now that everyone knows Sarah is alive we have to tell her who she is, it's only fair I owe her that.

Sarah has been getting comfortable around me and my brothers and it makes me feel so happy maybe telling her won't freak her out.

Who am I kidding I'm telling an Ten year old she's not from the human world she has powers and she's a princess it's gonna be a lot to take in.

But Sarah she's very mature for her age i look at my phone it's six thirty where the fuck is my brother's with Sarah.

I've been on edge lately I'm very hesitant to let Sarah out of my sight I would blame it on the mate bond but it's my protective side I don't ever want to lose Sarah ever again she means the world to me.

I hear the door open and when Sarah sees me she runs up to me I chuckle and pick her up." Joshie I missed you" she grips her hold onto me like a monkey.

" I missed you to Principessa"{ Princess}

Sarah looked confused." Joshie, what does that word mean"

" It means Princess me and my family are Italian"" I see my two brother's walk in with three bags each of clothes I laugh I bet they couldn't choose what to get her I knew I should have went with them.

I noticed Sarah's red hair is coming in more surprised she didn't notice it yet." Joshie can you teach me Italian, please please please with a cherry on top" I smile at her cuteness.

" Of course Principessa but I'm sure your hungry I got your favorite" she started bouncing excitedly on my lap.

" PIZZA"! I saw her jump off my lap quickly like her life depended on it and run into the kitchen.

I shake my head and chuckle I kneel down to her level." Sarah you know your not supposed to run you could have got hurt"" I said protectively.

She pouted." I'm sorry Joshie" I kiss her forehead and get out a plate and get a slice of pizza.

" It's okay I know you love your pizza" she giggled and nodded her head yes.

"Joshie aren't you going to eat"

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"Joshie aren't you going to eat"

" No Principessa maybe later , how about we watch a movie"

" Can we watch Moana please"?

"Yes, we can" we head to the Theater-room and sit on the chairs I get the remote and select the movie Moana I see Sarah look around the room and pout.

" What's wrong Principessa"?

" Where is Zayn and Alec I miss them"

" They had to go visit mom but they will be back before you go to sleep" That's another thing we've noticed Sarah is very clingy with me and my brothers we love it though.

" Okay , the pizza was so good thank you for getting it Joshie"

" No problem Principessa" Halfway through the movie Sarah fell asleep in my arms so cute I pause the movie and pick up Sarah and bring her to her room.

I lay her down and cover her up with the covers and head to the kitchen I go in the fridge and get out AB blood bag I hadn't had time to go hunting so my dad picked up some blood for me.

I pour the blood into a glass and drink once I take a sip I feel stronger and much calmer I drink all the blood and wash the glass out.

I see one of the guards come in." King Josh, Mellisa is here and she won't leave"

I've been avoiding Mellisa, to be honest, my life without her has been great all she brings is drama but I have to face her eventually." I'll handle it , watch Sarah until I return"

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