Chapter Thirty-One

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Josh talking
Melissa talking
Alec talking
Zayn talking

Sarah's pov

Me and Paul are playing Uno he's really good at it , Paul is one of the guards he's really nice.

" Looks like I'm gonna win" I shook my head no I hate losing games especially Uno I looked down at my cards ooo I can definitely work with this I smiled and put my first card down

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" Looks like I'm gonna win" I shook my head no I hate losing games especially Uno I looked down at my cards ooo I can definitely work with this I smiled and put my first card down.

Paul picked up five more cards ... yes the more cards he picks up the more chance I have at winning.

Paul changes the color that was his mistake.

" Dang it you won , good job Sarah"

What's that yelling in the hallway I get up as I was about to open the door Paul gets in front of me." Sorry Sarah , but Josh wants you to stay in here"

" But there's a lot of yelling what if Josh is in trouble" Paul laughed why is he laughing Josh could need help.

" Believe me Sarah Josh can definitely handle himself" I know was hearing a women's voice can't take this torture of not knowing what's going on.

" Paul can I please go in the hallway I want to see Josh" he was debating but opened the door and lead the way to where Josh was I saw him with a women.

She had brunette hair brown eyes she had tattoo's on her arm for some reason I don't like her how is that possible when I don't even know her.

" Josh" I said almost a whisper but he looked at me straight away and so did the women she gave me a dirty look.

Josh looked up at Paul pissed I hope I didn't get Paul into to much trouble." Well are you not going to introduce me Josh" I don't like how she's standing so close to Josh.

" Mel weren't you leaving , I told you I would call you later I have a lot of things to do today" the women rolled her eyes.

I walked up to her." I'm Sarah"

" Nice to meet you I'm Mellisa Josh's girlfriend" Girlfriend that's his girlfriend he doesn't even show any affection towards her.

Maybe I'm just judging her to fast." Yes she's my girlfriend that's leaving" Mellisa kissed his cheek and walked to the door but before leaving she gave me the fakest smile ever.

Josh looked at Paul." I'll handle you later , leave us" Paul walked out and me and Josh went back to my room.

" I didn't know you had a girlfriend" I blurted out I meant to think that In my head.

" Oh Mellisa we're not serious , did you take a good nap Sarah" I smiled I took the best nap ever I had a very good dream made me so happy.

" Yes I did"

" It's getting pretty late how about you take a shower and I'll pick out a bedtime story" I love when they read to me makes me happy and makes me go to bed faster.

" Yayy can't wait" I go in my bathroom and turn on the shower and take off my clothes I wonder what story Josh is going to read to me.

Once I'm done taking a shower I brush my teeth and put my pjs on when I come out I see Alec Zayn and Josh.

" Hi princess , told you we'd be back before bedtime" I run up to them and hug them tight I missed them so much even though it's been a couple hours.

" Ready for the bedtime story princess"? I got into bed and got comfy.

" Yes I'm ready"

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