Chapter Twenty Six

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Josh Talking
Sarah's pov

Wow when I stepped in his room it was big like his brother's I set the plate of strawberries down on his desk.

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" Me and your mom made some strawberries thought you would like some" I looked down to the ground im to shy to look at him in the face

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" Me and your mom made some strawberries thought you would like some" I looked down to the ground im to shy to look at him in the face.

" Thank you , can you look at me please" Did I hear that right did he ask me please in a nice way.

I look up at him." Thank you for the strawberries , Sarah I wanted to talk to you to I just wanted to clear my head first"

" I'm really sorry the way I yelled at you and the way I've been acting and I hope we can start over" wow this is a side of Josh that I haven't seen he's being nice to me.

" I would like that"

"Are you hungry , I can order us something"

" Yeah I'm a bit hungry"

" I'll order us a pizza , what kind would you like" ?

" Pepperoni please" Josh goes on his to place the order on his desk I see a picture of him and a baby all of a sudden I get a sting in my head makes me fall down In pain.

My vision gets blurry all I can see is a panicked face from Josh and before I know it I black out.

Oww my head i feel a little dizzy I rub my eyes and wake up I'm in Josh's bed but where is Josh I get up and look around his room but he's not here.

I see the door open and Josh comes in with a glass of water and a slice of pizza." You're up , how are you feeling"

" I'm okay just a little lightheaded , what happened"

" I was on the phone and you passed out you've been asleep for a couple hours , when's the last time you ate something"

" I ate a couple strawberries" Josh handed me the slice of pizza and put the water on the desk.

"Here eat this you'll feel better, Alec and Zayn will be back soon it's pretty late you should get some sleep"

" You can sleep in here I'll be in the guest room"

" Thank you Josh" Josh let's out a small smile he then gives me my teddy bear.

" You left this thought you'd miss it"I smile I missed tiger so much I'm so happy.

" Josh you found him thank you" I yawn and I get under the covers.

" No problem, sweet dreams Sarah goodnight" Josh leaves and I snuggle with tiger I feel this weird but good taste in my mouth I get up and look in the bathroom mirror on my lip there's red.

Is that blood...

Maybe my mouth hit the floor but why does it taste good I wipe the remaining blood off my mouth and put it in my mouth it taste really good.

What is happening to me this is getting freaky I just need to get some sleep.

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