Chapter Fifteen

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Jᴏsʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ

Flashback Two years ago

I'm ashamed, pissed, and destroyed the day we lost Sarah was the worst day of my life.

We did get a hold of the witch for a hundred days we torture her until one day me and my brother's snapped. 

" My king Jane is in the dungeons she's willing to talk" I feel my body shaking with anger I haven't hunted in a month.

I walk to the dungeons and see Alec's hand around janes neck she was about to pass out when he let go." Jane this is your last chance where is she" ?

She wouldn't say anything so I looked at the guards and they brought down Jane's husband and sister.

I walked up to Jane and took out a knife and came close to her face." You think this is a joke Jane , it's not answer the damn question"

" I don't know where exactly she's in the human world" I can tell from her emotions she's feeling scared and that's she's lying.

That's one of my powers I can feel anyones emotions if there close enough, I walk up to her sister and grab her head and hit it against the wall." Your lying Jane this is only going to get more worse for you"

I see Jane cry and I let out s smirk I see her sister fall to the ground and hit her head again so she's passed out on the floor." Please , please stop this" the more she begs me the madder I get.

I see Alec go to her husband he kicks him in the stomach so he falls down he kicks him in the face with his hand making his face bleed.

Jane starts to cry more." Okay I'll tell you , Sarah was sold to a woman and man called Libby and Nathan Greengrass we kept in contact for a while until" she looks down at the floor.

" Until what," Alec said getting pissed.

" Until they killed her , Nathan and her abused her to the point it was too much" I go up to one of the guards.

" Make sure what she is saying is true and report back to us immediately"

" Yes King Josh" he left with a few other guards I went up to Jane and the knife I had I got out and stabbed it into her thigh.

" If your lying I'll keep torturing you , if your telling the truth I'll kill  you"me and my brother's left and went into the living room.

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