Chapter Ten

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Sᴀʀᴀʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ

I'm still in the basement my foster dad was really angry when he came back home he choked me so now I have bruising all around my neck I wish they weren't my parents.

I might sound selfish my foster parents told me I had a dad they told me a little about him they said his name was Josh.

I wanted to know more about him and why he didn't want me so I asked my foster mom.

Flashback a couple weeks ago

My foster mom was actually in a good mood today and my foster dad wasn't home he's probably out working." Ms Libby , can I please ask more about my dad pretty please" I begged.

She took out her cigarette and put it out on her ashtray." Uhh fine but please leave me alone , I have a headache"

I nodded and stayed quiet and listened."Kid listen you were left on our doorstep with a note from your dad his name was Josh"

"He explained that he didn't want to be held down by a baby and that you were a mistake" she took a sip of her corona.

My dad didn't even want me by the sounds of it he hates me." Why didn't he love me"? I asked with tears running down my face.

" Kid I don't blame him , having brats can affect life he didn't want you because you would have ruined his life the only reason we kept you is because you are useful in some ways" More tears came down my face.

" Now leave please my show just came on"I nodded and went to my room and shut the door.

Flashback over...

My foster parents hate me and my dad hates me I guess Libby was right I'm a mistake I just want to leave this place and never come back but I wouldn't even know where to go.


Authors note:Who else really dislikes Libby and Nate ? I definitely do

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