Chapter six

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Jᴏsʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ

Me and my brother's and the guards have keeping a close eye on Sarah the threat notes stooped but I have a feeling whoever wants Sarah isn't going to stop.

It's been months since we had Sarah and she's amazing she makes everyone so happy especially my mom.

Today is a very big day for Sarah she's turning a year old I can't believe it's been nine months sense she came in our lives.

She made me and my brothers into better people before I met Sarah I was always angry but now I feel happy.

I went today to be perfect I know Sarah won't remember this birthday but I will I want it to be special.

I went into Sarah's room and saw her in the cutest outfit over she had me smiling all over the place." Isn't she adorable , mom picked out the outfit" Zayn said.

" She definitely is," I said.

I walk to Sarah and kneel down." Princess, you look so beautiful" she smiles at me.

Sarah has been crawling all over the place she's so close to walking."Come to grandma sweetie" my mom makes baby noises which make Sarah smile and crawl to her.

Sarah starts to stand up and walks to my mom but she stumbles and I catch her before she falls.

"That was so good sweetie" I kissed her cheek and she nuzzled into my neck.

I see my dad come in he sits on the couch with my mom and smiles when he sees Sarah." Hi Birthday girl"

My dad pulls out a gift for Sarah he opens it and sets a pink teddy bear in front of her , she smiles and babbles.

She takes the teddy bear and hugs it.

" Boys, I have news on these threats you've been getting, shall we discuss this in the office"? My brothers and me kiss Sarah on the cheek before leaving.

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