Chapter Eleven

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Sᴀʀᴀʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ

I've been in the basement for a whole week with no food or water they've both beaten me at least five times a day I'm surprised I can still walk.

I touch my stomach and I feel my bones , I hear the basement door creak open and see Libby."Go up take a bath and meet me in the dinning room my boss will be here in ten minutes"

I feel pain as I try to get up I fall down." Get up now or do I need to get Nathan down here" I can't take any more abuse right now so I use all my body muscle and get up.

I start limping up the stairs and head in the bathroom I turn on the water and wait until it's nice and warm I take my dirty clothes off and slowly get in the tub.

The water burns my skin but the water feels nice after a little bit I can't remember take a bath or a shower.

Libby and Nathan hardly ever let me use it they usually just give me soap and a bucket after five minutes I stand up and let the dirty water go down the drain.

I look on the countertop and see the dress Libby left me it looks so pretty I put it on and look at myself in the mirror.

The dress it's really short on me I don't feel comfortable but I don't wanna get hit by Libby or Nathan I open the door and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Libby walks up to me and grips my arm and forces me to sit in the chair she smells like alcohol." Listen to me closely Sarah my boss will be here soon if you impress him you don't ever have to go back in the basement"

Never going in that basement would be a dream I'm going to do everything I can not to go in the basement ever again.

She then grips my chin hard." But if you don't I will let my husband do anything he pleases with you and believe me you don't want that" I try not cry but she's really hurting me.

" Not only that you'll be back in the basement for a month with no food or water , do you understand me"? I nodded yes.

Libby and Nathan have abused me that I have almost gone all the way mute I can hardly say anything.

I hear the door open and Nathan lets in a man he's tall he has a big beard and he's in a suit he looks scary.

He comes over to Libby and kisses her and she kisses back I should be surprised but she kisses almost everyone.

I hope this dinner won't be long I don't trust this man.

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