Chapter Thirty Six

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Alec talking


Alec's pov

Sarah has been taking everything very well she's learned a lot about my brother's and my family and what really happened to her I didn't think she would handle all of that but she did I'm so proud of her.

Right now I'm setting up a picnic for me and Sarah in the garden she loves the outdoors me and my brothers have been hesitant about letting Sarah to far away from the castle I know it seems selfish.

But we want her safe and it feels like we just got her back our mom and dad talked about school for Sarah we all hated the idea especially Josh.

Maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea Sarah can socialized and I want her to have the best education maybe we should let her go.

I knock on Sarah's door and she smiles at me and gives me a big hug I feel bad I been working so much I hardly spent time with her." I missed you Alec" she pouted.

" Awe I missed you to Sarah , I promise to be here more often are you ready for our picnic"?

" Yayy and yes" we head outside to the garden and sit on the blanket.

" Alec this all looks so good, thank you for setting up this picnic Alec"

" Alec this all looks so good, thank you for setting up this picnic Alec"

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" It was no problem Sarah "  I try not to read Sarah's mind but I can't help it she's hardly been sleeping because of her nightmares wish I can take her nightmares away

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" It was no problem Sarah "  I try not to read Sarah's mind but I can't help it she's hardly been sleeping because of her nightmares wish I can take her nightmares away.

After me and Sarah eat the food we head back inside and go into the Theater room and watch a movie.

During the half of the movie I see Sarah fast asleep I shut off the movie and carry her to her room I gently lay Sarah down on her bed and cover her up." Sweet dreams princess" i leave on her night light and shut the door half way I go in my office and look through some papers.

I had some of the guards look for more information on Janes history I know she had more people helping here it couldn't just be those humans.

But I'm at a loss I don't know who it was makes my blood boil but I did find out that Jane had a daughter if me and my brother's can find her we can finally know who helped Jane take Sarah away.

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