Chapter Seventen

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Aʟᴇᴄ's ᴘᴏᴠ

It's been months sense we found out about Sarah were all coping in our own ways Zayn is always crying in his room he feels like it's his fault it's no one's fault but Jane and the humans that did this to Sarah.

I've been trying to hold it together for the sake of the kingdom it's really hard I miss her so much and Josh he's a mess me and Zayn hardly see him anymore he's always hunting down witches and killing them.

Letting anger is his way of coping and something else I'm in my office at the moment I look at the picture of me holding Sarah god I miss her." King Zayn Melissa is here"

Instead of Josh letting his anger out he has this fucking slut in our home i won't allow this to go any longer he had a mate I won't let him betray her. " Send her here"

She walks in and smiled at me and and twirls her hair." Why are you here Mellisa"?

" Well I was here for Josh but I can be here for you to King Alec" she dragged her hand to my pant zipper I growled and pushed her against the wall.

" Your on thin ice Mellisa I wouldn't touch you ever and Josh is only using you" she pouted and walked to the door.

" We will see about that King Alec" she left and I closed the door I hate her I gotta find Zayn and talk to him about his I leave my office and head to zayn's room.

I can hear the crying already I knock on the door and he opens it his eyes are red , looks like he hasn't slept sense we all heard the news about Sarah.

" Do you need something Alec I just want to be alone"

I slammed my fist against the wall." Yes I do fucking need something I need my two brothers back , for fuck sake your always in your room and Josh don't get me started"

" I'm going through a lot Alec give me some slack" i got so mad I pushed him against the wall and growled.

" You think your the only one going through stuff you think I don't fucking miss her I do everyday I think about her , I think about her walking right into my room"  I've been acting so strong for my brother's and the kingdom that I haven't grieved at all.

I start to cry and sit on the bed fuck I miss her." "I'm sorry Zayn I  didn't mean to get so angry at you"

" No I'm sorry Alec this is not fair on you at all you've been handling everything and me and Josh haven't been there for you"

" She's gone I don't know what I'll do without her it hurts so much and Josh he needs her so bad he's with that bimbo everything is falling apart"

" Listen Josh will realized Melissa is a mistake I know deep down his heart will always be with Sarah"

" I know I can't deal with him right know there's been some rogue attacks near here lately that has to be handled"

" I'll talk to Josh but let's handle this rogue situation , and Alec thank you for handling everything you really are a good brother even if you get on my bloody nerves"

I laughed." Thanks Zayn" For the first time in a while I feel somewhat happy , that one of my brother's is back to his old self , Josh is going to be hard to get through though. 


Authors note: Flashback over .....

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