Chapeter Twenty One

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Alec talking


Sarah's pov

" Alec what's a mate" ?

" I will explain it to you one day Sarah" he gets a napkin and wipes my face.

" Now we need to get you on a schedule it's nine thirty so let's get you to bed" I am very sleepy I don't want to walk Alec picks me up and takes me to a room.

I nuzzle my head into his neck and I feel the sparks again I see Alec open a door it's the most beautiful I've ever seen.

It's the only room I've ever seen my foster parents never gave me a room as far as I can remember, I always remember being in the basement.

In the basement there was a old mattress and a pillow thinking back on it makes me sad I don't ever want to go back there." Hey , what's wrong"?

He wipes my tears away." This room is beautiful I just don't want to go back to my foster parents they were really mean"

" Sarah you don't ever have to go back" he pulls me into a hug and I don't know why I know I haven't known Alec and his two brothers but whenever I'm around them I feel so safe and protected.

But there's so many questions I have for them.

" Alec can I ask you something"?

" Of course , what is it"?

I don't know how to ask this I really feel like Josh hates me." Your brother Josh , um does he hate me I saw he left was it because of me"?

" Josh doesn't hate you , he couldn't even if he tried he just had a lot to think about don't worry about it to much he will be back soon"

That makes me feel better that he doesn't hate me I hope he comes back soon I miss him I start to yawn again." Think it's time to go to bed hehe"

" Yes I'm so tired , can you leave the light on I don't like the dark" he goes over to the nightlight and turns it on.

" Goodnight Sarah" I lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes

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