Chapter Eighteen

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Josh talking
Alec talking
Zayn talking

Sᴀʀᴀʜ ᴘᴏᴠ

" Please King Josh don't kill her she's just a little girl she's afraid and alone" Kill me oh no I really have to get out of here I open the door and panic and run but I bump Into something hard.

I look up and see the most handsome man ever but I start to panic what if he's the one that wants to kill me , what if he's like my foster parents.

I start to cry and drop to the floor , I see the man look at me with worry his picks me and sets me on his lap." I'm not going to hurt you" his voice calms me.

I hide my head into his neck once I hear footsteps come in the room I see a women she looks similar to the man that's holding me."Zayn is this human ok I heard a scream"

" She's fine Abby she's just scared and confused , could you run the bath and get some clothes for her" she was about to say something but bit her lip and left.

There I see two men they look just as handsome Zayn they were both looking at me with lots of interest but one of them looks at me with a little anger.

" She's not a threat to us or our kingdom she will be staying with us until she's all better" Wow Zayn is so nice.

"I will not allow a weak human that we know nothing about into our home or kingdom" why does that man have a problem with me I didn't do anything to him.

I see one of the men come walking towards me I get scared he holds my hand and sends me a sweet smile." Hey it's ok no one will hurt you"for some reason when he touched my hand I swear I could feel electricity but it felt really good I wined when he let my hand go.

He noticed and held my hand and I smiled." My name is Alec"

I wonder what's the name of the man sitting next to me is." Im Zayn" I looked at him surprised it's like he read my mind but that can't be possible can it.

" Im Joshua " the one standing near the door said when I looked at josh there was something about him that made me want to be near him.

" What's your name"? I wanted to talk so badly especially in front of them wanted to explain what happened to me but words just couldn't come out.

"He asked you a question Human" he shouted it brought back a bad memory I started to sob.

"You're a fucking idiot Josh" he growled at him.

I motioned for Alec to look under my shirt he lifted my shirt and saw all the bruises on my body all of them were outraged but looked concerned even Josh.

I see the women Abby come hack into the room."The bath is ready , I can give her the bath"

" No I'll give her the bath"

" Josh no offense but she probably would feel more comfortable with me"Abby said.

Authors note: Happy Valentines Day Everyone ❤️

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