Chapter Twenty Eight

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Josh talking
Zayn talking
Alec talking
Josh's pov

I see one of my head guards come in he handed me a letter." King Josh the results for Sarah came in"

I should wait for my brother's but I can't stand not opening the letter i know whenever I'm near that girl I feel happy like I was , she makes me happy even know I may not show it all the time.

I want to protect her but I have to be sure I open up the letter and read.

Omg... it's her that human that makes my heart skips a beat it's her all these emotions i have I'm happy she's alive but pissed that she was taken from us.

There's so many things that me and my brothers  have to explain to Sarah I hope she understands when we tell her she's a princess and she's the baby we adopted years ago.

I hear my phone go off must be Melissa.

"What do you want you keep blowing up my phone" Can't deal with Melissa right Mia I want my focus on Sarah.

Mellisa whined." We we're supposed to hang out today you promised" Here we go with the damn whining.

" Mellisa I'm fucking busy"I ended the call and went to my room to see Sarah sleeping i touched her hand and in her sleep she smiled.

My little girl is back I can't believe it I then hear the door creak open and see my two brothers they know that Sarah is our baby they read my mind.

" This is the best day of my life she's finally back where she belongs"

" Mine to but how are we going to explain everything to her she's still a child who thinks she's human"

" I have an idea I'll tell her what she needs to know right now but not about us being mates that can wait for a couple years"

Zayn goes over to Sarah and looks confused"What is it"

Zayn gently touches a part of Sarah hair which is fiery red." This is new" me and Alec walk over and look at Sarah's hair most of it is blond but a few strands is red.

" What do you think it could be guys I never seen this before"

" Me neither , doesn't seem to bother her I'll ask mom about it when she gets back , did you find any news about Sarah"

Alec's eyes turned black." Yeah we did let's head downstairs don't want to wake Sarah up" we all headed down to the living room.

" Jane was telling half the truth she sold Sarah to a guy and women named Nathan and libby and they tried to convince us that they had no idea about who Jane was but once Alec used his powers on them we knew they were lying"

" They we're the ones that abused Sarah they did it almost everyday who could even do that to a child especially Sarah i can't imagine all the pain she went through"

This must have been really hard for Alec once he touches someone he can see into there past he must have saw them abusing her." We then found out that they sold her to some low life named Johnathan he was just as bad as Libby and Nathan"

I want to kill them all but I know my brother's want to get there revenge on them two." There all in the basement" me and my brothers head down the basement to see them chained to the wall , this is going to be fun and best thing is I'm hungry.

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