Chapter Nineteen

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Josh talking
Alec talking
Zayn talking


" Okay, enough arguing" Alec comes to and holds my hand he can probably tell I'm nervous.

"It's okay who would you want to help you with the bath" ?I look towards Josh he's been kinda rude but I feel like I'd be more comfortable.

I walk over to Josh with my head down he reaches his hand to mine and I take it I feel electricity just like I did with Alec.

We walk down the hallway and when Josh opens the door there's the biggest bathroom I've ever seen.

As Josh turns on the water I hesitate to take off my clothes not because he's here because I don't want him to be disgusted by me

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As Josh turns on the water I hesitate to take off my clothes not because he's here because I don't want him to be disgusted by me." I know I was an ass and I'm sorry , just know if your afraid of me just know I won't hurt you"

I feel so much better that Josh said sorry when josh turns around I take off my clothes and step into the tub the water felt so amazing.

" My name is Sarah," I said in almost a whisper.

Josh looked at me like he was trying to remember something." That's a beautiful name it's nice to meet you" Josh gets my hair wet and gets a shampoo bottle out and starts washing my hair.

I wince out in pain it's the water hitting my brushes." Are those bruises new"? He looked really angry at the bruises.

I nod yes." I promise you no one here will lay a finger on you things are going to be different here , but there are rules to follow"

I nod as he washes my hair I start to relax I've never had a relaxing time in a bathroom it feels so different but in a good way.

After about twenty minutes I'm all cleaned Josh hands me a towel and waits outside he gave me cute pajamas with the cutest socks I've ever seen.

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I come out to where Josh is he gives me a smile wow his smile it could light up a room

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I come out to where Josh is he gives me a smile wow his smile it could light up a room." Um.. thank you for the clothes" I get shy and look down at the floor.

He comes close to me and makes me nervous but in a good way." You're welcome" I take his hand and he leads me to the dinning room I see the other two men and a women cooking.

I sit down at the table the women puts a lot of good in front of me." Sarah I'll be back just have to talk Zayn"

I'm so hungry I can't remember the last time I actually ate after I ate all the food on my plate Alec takes my plate and puts it in the sink.

There's the shock again I start to wine I see Alec come to my side." Hey are you ok"? When Alec touched my hand his eyes turned black that was a little scary.

I pulled my hand away that made Alec growl Alec touched my hand again and my whole body felt like sparks.

Alec was giving me mixed looks he looked happy but confused and a little mix of anger and he whispered one word but I couldn't really hear him.

" Mate"

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