𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞|"I hate your guts"

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After Ace abruptly left me in the gym, I took a shower and changed into an adidas tracksuit

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After Ace abruptly left me in the gym, I took a shower and changed into an adidas tracksuit. Ace said he had a meeting planned in a couple of minutes so I ran over the files Alea gave me to his system.

She's coming over after the meeting so I'll run over some notes with her because I seriously can't read the fuckers handwriting.

Light knocking pulled me out of my thoughts so I shut my laptop and walked over to the door. With a sigh I opened the door to see Theo standing there smiling at me, showing off his pearly whites.


"No." I grumbled and slammed the door on his face.

He knocked on the door again so I groaned and opened it. "Rude." He scoffed and rolled his brown eyes.

"And?" I arched an eyebrow, glaring at him.

Theo inhaled a deep breath, "The meetings now so I came to get you." He smiled at me and slid his hands into his pockets. I narrowed my eyes at him and stepped out of the room, pushing past him. He trailed behind me as I walked towards the meeting room.

"So," He drawled out, glancing over at me as I kept my gaze ahead. "You single?"

I shot him a cold glare so he put his hands up in surrender and smiled at me. "No I'm with your mother." I gave him a sarcastic smile and turned the corner.

Theo chuckled deeply, shaking his head, "Didn't think of you as the pussy type."

"I get more than you." I shrugged my shoulders and opened the meeting room door to see Ace sitting at the head of the table conversing with his men, paying us no mind.

He smiled widely and walked into the room, "Damn." He muttered under his breath and sat down at the table.

Smirking I sat down opposite him and opened up a bottle of water, eavesdropping in to Aces conversation since I'm nosey.

"Enter from here," Ace pointed towards the back entrance doors to the Russians base in France on a map, "silently take out the guards on duty by the door. Theo you take a group of men to the side entrance and do the same. I'll take some from underneath since there's basement doors near the back with a passcode on it so no one will expect us to go there."

"Remember we're only there for Alexei Mozorov. When his father finds out his son is missing then it'll be war so expect the unexpected. Once you have secured the target bring him back to our warehouse and from there keep him in the cell. Capito?" Ace raises a perfect brow, looking around the group of men as they answer with 'yes Dons'.


"Why are we after his son?" I glanced over at Ace, tilting my head in confusion. 

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