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"The fuck do you want?" He grumbles, glaring at me as he pushed my hand off his shoulder.

I squinted my eyes at him, then sit myself down in front of him at his desk, clearing my throat. "Your dead body six feet under." I shrugged my shoulders, smiling up at him.

"Ladies first." He smirks, looking down at me.





"Small dick."

"No boobs."


"Unsymmetrical face."

"Fatherless child."

"You can't say much." He shot back, chuckling lowly.

"At least I was loved." I smirked. Sure River.

"Bullshit." Ace takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it between his pink lips, inhaling deeply, "What do you want River?" He asks again coldly and exhaled the smoke as it danced in the air.

"Training. When is it?" I stood up from the floor, stretching.

"Tomorrow." He confirms, letting the cigarette hang loosely on his lips as he types on his phone.

I take the cigarette away from his lips and bring it to mine, inhaling it as his  piercing green eyes snapped towards mine full of amusement. I tilted my head back, closing my eyes as I blew the smoke out.

Ace ran his tongue along the corner of his mouth as he smirked at me. "If you wanted to kiss you could've just asked."

"Use Vaseline then I'll consider your offer." I sat down on his couch, propping my feet up on his coffee table.

"You'll consider? Does that mean you want to?" He teases, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No I'll choke on my own vomit if I do." I scoff, rolling my eyes and inhaled another puff.

"Good. Choke and die." He snatches the cigarette from me, earning him a glare as he took another puff.


"You'll miss me too much if I do." He smirks and crosses his ankle over his knee, splaying an arm against the couch as the cigarette hung loosely between his fingers.

"Just wouldn't though that's the thing." I sighed deeply, thinking of all the possible ways I could kill this bastard. Gun? Basic. Knife? Messy. Bomb? Maybe. Burning him alive? Possibly. Chop of his organs and sell them on the black market? Absolutely.

"I was thinking about selling your organs on the black market after I kill your annoying ass." Aces deep voice snaps me out of my plotting.

"Copycat." I slapped the back of his head, glaring at his ugly face.

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