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I never really slept because I didn't want to and even if I did it would only be for one hour max

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I never really slept because I didn't want to and even if I did it would only be for one hour max. Sleeping doesn't really solve my problems so I stay up to fix them. I could never bring myself to close my eyes and relax which is why I'm sitting outside with a cigarette in my hand, staring at the bright specks of light in the night sky.

Stars. The only source of light in a dark sky along with a solitary moon. At times like this I just let my thoughts run wild with anything and everything. Smoking is just a bonus of taking the stress away. The stress that this fucked up world caused. It'll be easier if everyone wasn't such a fucking bastard.

Especially River fucking Arccadi. I can't wait to kill the bitch.

"Ew it's you." Speak of the devil. I was almost, almost tempted to strangle her again.

"Fuck off River." I grumbled, inhaling the cigarette and never taking my eyes off the sky. Serenity is what it gave me. Nothing else could give me that and now that she's here it only fucked up my mood more.

River sat herself down in front of me and smirked up at me, "No." She shook her head and gazed up at me with her sapphire eyes.

"Wanna suck my dick while you're down there?" I smirk, raising an eyebrow at her ugly face.

"Keep dreaming Del Rosso." She scoffed, taking the cigarette from my hands and inhaling a puff. Help yourself I guess.

My eyes fixated themselves on the her mouth. The way her plump, pink lips wrapped themselves around the cigarette, sucking on it gently then releasing it. Fuck.

I need to get laid.

I lifted my hips off the seat and adjusted myself, clearing my throat, "What are you doing here?"

"Can't sleep." She mumbled quietly, handing me back the cigarette as she got up from the floor. "You?"

"Neither." I inhaled another puff, staring at the black sweatpants hugging her thighs. She sighed deeply and turned around to leave but I caught her wrist, pulling her back. "Wanna go for a ride?" I found myself asking. So I can dump her dead body in the woods.


I wish I wasn't.

"What kind of ride?" She arched a perfect brow, standing a bit closer to me. The things I would do to her right now.

I smirked and got up from my seat, towering over her frame. My mouth went to her ear as I whispered into it, "Whatever ride you want."

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