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It's been a month

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It's been a month.

He's been gone for a month.

With no texts, no calls, nothing. Absolute radio silence was all I got from him.

I went back to my house is New York because there's no point staying at his went he isn't even there. I haven't heard anything from Ivan and I am yet to listen to the usb stick he has sent us. Again, there's no point listening to it when Ace isn't here.

"Lets go out." Alea says from beside me on the couch.

I groan, "Lets not." I roll my eyes, looking back at the tv.

"We can't just stay in here forever." She scoffs, getting up from the couch.

"If I were to agree, where would we go?" I turn my attention towards her, raising an eyebrow.

"Anywhere. We just need a break from all of this bullshit." She says, waving her hand around the piles of paper on the coffee table.

I sigh, getting up from the couch, "Fine."


"Don't look now but there's some guy staring at you." Alea says, sipping on her coffee.

We made it to the mall and decided to grab a cup of coffee before start shopping.

Discreetly, I look behind me to see that she was in fact right. Some creep is staring at me. He was wearing a neatly ironed black suit. His eyes and hair were also brown.

I roll my eyes, getting up from my seat, "Ignore him. I'm going to the bathroom." I tell her and start walking over to the bathroom doors.

I walk into the restroom and use the stall before washing my hands and fixing my hair in the mirror. Once I'm done, I walk back out only to bump into a hard chest.

"Watch where you're going, freak." I mutter, moving to the side and walking past them.

They grip my wrist, pulling me back towards them. My head snaps upwards to be met with the same pair of brown eyes from earlier.

I was about to open my mouth to snap at him for touching me but a smirk grazed his lips as he spoke, "Aren't you pretty?"

I pull my arm out of his hold and glare at him, "The fuck do you want?" I grit out angrily.

"You." He says, moving closer to me as his eyes glint with something that makes my stomach turn and not in a good way.

"Cut the bullshit motherfucker." I spat out as my eyes scan his face. Ugly roach. Then my eyes fall to the familiar symbol on his neck and in a blink of an eye, I have him pinned to the wall with a knife to his neck, "Who are you?"

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