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The girls came back to the table not too long ago and I could tell River was getting tired since she's being grumpy with everyone but me

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The girls came back to the table not too long ago and I could tell River was getting tired since she's being grumpy with everyone but me. Luckily.

It's one in the morning and we have a mission later on. Plus the diner's getting kinda empty.

"It's getting late." Nolan says, sipping on his drink. He was wearing a black durag and a nike tracksuit with his sleeved rolled up, revealing his tatted forearms.

"You have a bedtime, Nolan?" Chase asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Nah. I just don't want this one getting grumpy." He says, pointing to Alea.

"I don't even get grumpy." She grumbles, glaring at him.

"Sure babe." He says, pecking her cheek.

I slouch down in my seat and spread my thighs, putting my hand on her Rivers knee.

She lays her head on my shoulder and tiredly mumbles, "I love you."

"I love you." I mutter, kissing the top of her head.

"Am I hearing things?" Alea whispers to me.

"No?" I furrow my eyebrows, looking over at her.

"She actually said that?" She whispered yelled.


"She's never said that to anyone before. You must be special." She says, smiling slightly.

"You're her best friend. How come she has never said it to you?"

"The word love scares her." She shrugs her shoulders, "Watch." She says, tapping Rivers shoulder.

"What?" River grumbles.

"I love you bae." Alea says, smiling at her.

"Fuck off with that bullshit." She scoffs, laying her head on my chest.

"See." Alea says, rolling her eyes.

She only loves me. I feel special.

"Sucks to suck." I smirk, shrugging my shoulders.

"Piss off you piece of shit." She sticks her middle finger up at me and goes back to her conversation with Nolan.

"Let's pay and go. My wife's gonna kill me." Kenji says, getting up from his seat and grabbing his jacket.

"Aww, your  wife's gonna kill you." Theo coos, pinching his cheeks.

"Get off me you fuck." Kenji grumbles, shoving Theo away from him.

"Kiss me Kenji. I'm sure your wife won't mind." Theo jokes, jutting his lips out.

"Get away from me." He grimaces, moving  away from him.

"Kenji, my love!" Theo calls out, chasing after him.

"Theo!" Chase sighs, walking after them.

"He always like this?" Nolan laughs, getting off his seat and helping Alea up.

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