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I slowly open my eyes, adjusting them to the bright light that's beaming into our room

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I slowly open my eyes, adjusting them to the bright light that's beaming into our room. I kick the covers off me cuz it's way too fucking hot for that shit.

Ace's light breathing fans against the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I look over my shoulder at him and smile at how peaceful he seems. He exhales through his nose when I turn around in his hold and kiss his forehead. A small frown sits on his lips, something I notice he does whenever he's  asleep.

I pepper kisses all over his flawless face in attempt to wake him up which only makes him stir slightly. He furrows his eyebrows, turning to lay on his stomach as he moves his head away from my direction. Ass.

Looks like someone doesn't want to get the fuck up.

Sighing, I kiss his temple and get out of bed. I walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth before taking a quick shower. I know I took one last night but I feel like my day isn't complete without my morning shower.

After having my shower, I walk back out and put on a new pair of clothes before grabbing my phone from the nightstand and walking out of the room.

I walk into the kitchen to see Theo giving Alea $50. Why the hell?

"What the fuck are you dumbasses doing?" I roll my eyes and open the fridge.

"We were debating which one of you were gonna come down first." Alea grins, counting her money.

"That's not fair. Ace is normally down first." Theo groans, glaring at Alea.

"She doesn't look like Ace." She says, pointing at me.

"He's still asleep." I chuckle, closing the fridge after I get the milk out.

"It's nearly noon." He scoffs.

I shrug my shoulders, grabbing the cereal from the cabinet along with the bowl. I was about to pour the cereal into the bowl until Theo suddenly yells.

"Woah! What are you doing psycho?" His eyes widen as he rushes over to me.

"Pouring my cereal?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Milk first." He says, gaping at me.

"And I'm the psycho?" I scoff, rolling my eyes as I pour the cereal into the bowl, "Cereal first."

"Theo you weirdo." Alea says, grimacing at him.

"What? It's milk first." He says, looking offended.

"God you're an odd one, aren't you?" She sighs, shaking her head.

I watch them with amusement as I eat my cereal. After I've finished, I wash my bowl and put it to the side.

"Me the odd one?" He points to himself, "How dare you." He gasps dramatically, acting as if he's going to faint.

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