𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞|I'd Kill For Her

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tw:  slightly gruesome

tw:  slightly gruesome ________________________________

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Well, now I'm sick so that's fucking fantastic.

I feel like someone is cutting up my insides. I feel hot and everything hurts.

On the bright side, River is out of surgery and gets to come home in a couple of hours.

I want to hold her but she's asleep right now and I don't want to wake her up. Grumpy River is scary.

"You look like shit." Theo says, looking me up and down. We are in the waiting room, siting on these uncomfortable fucking chairs.

"Thanks." I roll my eyes and sniffle.

"When was the last time you slept, man?" He asks.

I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. "Yesterday." I mutter. Truthfully, I couldn't sleep last night without my girl by my side so I just buried myself in my work.

Ivan's men are still at the warehouse but I was told by my wife not to touch them yet. Not without her there at least.

Those fuckers will pay for laying a hand on her.

"Yesterday? What are you, insane?" He gapes at me.

"Something called coffee."

"Something called sleep." He scoffs.

"Something called shutting up."

"You're a stubborn piece of shit." He says.

"I get that a lot."

He throws a balled up piece of paper at me so I open my eyes and glare at him, throwing it back at his face.

He slumps down next to me and I shift over because he's way too fucking close for my liking. He offers me a cigarette so I take it and stand up. He does too so we take a step outside and light our cigarettes.

He leans his forearms against the railing and inhales a puff. "I'm happy for you, man." He blurts out, keeping his eyes fixated ahead.

"What?" I furrow my eyes brows in confusion, looking down at him.

"She's changed you and makes you happy." He says, turning to me with a lopsided smile. "Don't let her go."

Where is this coming from?

"I don't plan to." I sigh, leaning against the railing and looking down at the floor. "She's everything I want."

"Good but if you break her heart I will break your face." He deadpans.

I looked him up and down, poking the corner of my mouth with my tongue and smirked, "I see." I lifted my chin slightly as he narrowed his brown eyes at me.

"Fight me you little bitch." He grits out, putting his fists by his face.

"Theo the last time I hit you, you ended up here." I pointed towards the hospital behind us.

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