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No other man has made me feel like this

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No other man has made me feel like this. Only him. And I shouldn't be feeling like this but I can't help but crave him. I can't say that I hate him without feeling like I'm lying to myself and him. My feelings for him are beyond a stupid crush that I thought I would get over. Admitting that out loud is what I'm scared of.

Admitting that I love him.

I told myself I wouldn't get to close to him because I didn't want to get hurt again. But my dumbass did. And now I'm helplessly in love with the man I've hated for years.

Why can't I just hate you?

Speaking of Ace, the motherfucker has been acting weird all day. Like when I woke up this morning I found his side of the bed cold.

I went to look for him but apparently he went to work. Normally when he goes to work he would tell me but this time he didn't. No texts. No calls. No notes. Nothing.

I tried talking to him but he just brushes me off. I tried kissing him but he moves away. I tried hugging him but he says to leave him alone.

If he wants to be like that again then fine. But this time I will too.

First, I'll give him one last chance to stop with his childish act. Bipolar little shit.

I open his office door and walk over to where he is at his desk, signing papers. I roll my eyes when he doesn't even look up from the papers on his desk after I walk in.

"Want to do something? I'm bored." I ask, walking over to him.

"I'm busy." He grumbles, not sparing me a glance.

I stand beside him and cup his cheeks, forcing him to meet my gaze, "What's wrong, Ace? You've been distant all day."

He lets out a harsh breath, moving my hands of his face, "Nothing. Leave me alone." He says coldly, going back to his work.

"Fine, come find me when you're not being an ass." I scoff, walking away from him and slamming the door shut to his office.

"What's up with you?" Theo asks, walking beside me.

"Nothing! Your boss is just being an asshole!" I throw my hands up in frustration, walking downstairs.

"He probably needs space. Want to go out?" He asks, following me into the kitchen.

"Sure. As long as we're not working." I say, opening the fridge and grabbing a snack.

We've been trying to find Ivan all day since we haven't heard from him in months.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and ruffles my hair, "What do you wanna do, dumbass?"

"I could've spilt my drink." I huffed, "And my hair you dickhead!" I push him away, fixing my hair again.  I just straightened it too.

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