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"20%, deal or no deal

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"20%, deal or no deal." I say, leaning back in my seat and drumming my fingers against the chair.

"10%." Daniel, one of my business investors, speaks out. He's the third one I've spoken to today but he didn't bring his wife. Which is weird since he normally does.

"I've been spent years developing this new weapon. 20%, deal or no deal." I repeat, growing slightly impatient.

"With what pay?" He asks, leaning his forearms against the table.

"$100k a month."

He ponders for a moment before replying, "Deal. Are you planning to give a public statement about the new weapon you have developed?"

Being apart of a big organisation like my company means there's a lot of media. Then comes the paparazzi and press with their dumbass questions.

I don't see how my private life relates to my business life. Which is why I tend to stay away from the public eye.

"I haven't given a public statement in nine years. You do the math." I say, rolling my eyes and getting up from my seat as I undo my jacket button.

The last time I did an interview was before my parents passed away. And honestly the questions they ask can get overwhelming.

"Think about it at least." He sighs, getting up from his seat.

"Don't need to," I say, guiding him to the door, "Pleasure doing business with you, Daniel." I give him a firm handshake.

"Take care, Ace." He says, shaking my hand before leaving my office.

I sigh deeply, tired the fuck out, and slump down in my chair.

"Mr Padea is here, sir." My assistant says timidly, standing in the doorway to my office.

"Send him in." I command, not sparing her a glance as I blindly sign my signature onto a few contracts I had on my desk.

"Mr Del Rosso." Andy says, greeting me with a firm handshake as his wife follows in behind him.

"Mr and Mrs Padea." I give them a curt head nod and gesture towards the chairs in front of me so they take a seat.

We talk for half an hour about what will happen if he decides to invest in my company. Andy is a greedy man so I'll easily bribe him with money. His wife's the same too. I catch her staring at me for a little longer than needed but I ignore her gaze.

When can I go home?

"Have these papers signed and we'll talk numbers next meeting." I say, handing him a few papers as I stand up from my seat.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket so I take it out and look down at the contact name to see that my wife is calling me. I excuse myself and answer her call.

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