𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞|"I've got you, love"

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This isn't good

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This isn't good. Not at all.

It's currently seven in the morning, our mission is in two hours yet here I am, wide awake. I'm fucking sore as fuck, naked and playing with Ace's hair in bed.

He's still asleep though, cuddled up to me just like last night. His head is buried into the crook of my neck and his arms is wrapped around my waist with our chests pressed together. It fucking sucks that shit is comfortable as fuck. At this point, I'm making a habit of doing this which is again not good.

We stayed in bed since we were to exhausted to go back home. Everything's so quiet. No music. No talking. Nothing.

I tried getting up but this dumbass won't let go of me plus I'm too sore to move.

He's so much better when he's asleep, with his fucking mouth shut.

His hair is also soft and fluffy. I like it, I'll admit that.

Sighing, I unwrap his arms from around me and attempt to get up. He groans lightly and turns to his back, the covers now falling to his lower waist, revealing his defined v-line.

My eyes fall down to the tattoo right by his v-line, a fucking scorpion. Black with red eyes. On his arm is a tattoo off a snake that wraps round his whole arm.

I furrow my eyebrows when I see a deep scar on his collarbone. I mean he has a lot of them but this one looks like it hurt like a motherfucker.

I have the sudden urge to touch it, trace it with the tip of my fingers. But when my hand hovers over it, Ace snatches my wrist, stopping my movements.

"Rule one. Don't touch or talk about them." He said, his eyes still being closed. How does this psycho know my every move? Even with his fucking eyes closed.

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, hearing his deep, raspy morning voice. A soft sigh leaves my mouth and Ace finally opens his eyes, his hooded gaze meeting mine. He lets go of my wrist and my hand falls to his abs briefly before I move them off him.

Moving my gaze away from his intense stare, I shift to the edge of the bed, pulling some of the covers with me.

The bed dips from behind me and then Ace appears in front of me, now wearing his boxers.

He moves to help me off but I turn away from him, "I can get up myself." I scoff, knowing damn well I can't. I'm just too fucking stubborn to ask for his help.

"I'll give you ten grand if you can get out of bed without me having to pick you up." He said, crossing his arms over his chest with a smug smirk on his stupid face.

I groan and glare at him. Stupid fucking idiot. My thighs shake as I attempt to get up, making Ace chuckle deeply.

"I hate you." I grit out frustratingly.

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