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smut 🤰

Ace said he wanted to take me somewhere after dinner so we are now in the car driving to the place he wanted to take me too

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Ace said he wanted to take me somewhere after dinner so we are now in the car driving to the place he wanted to take me too.

I tried bribing him into telling me where we're going but he won't fucking budge.

"I will throw you out of this car." I grumble.

"Okay." Was all he said.

"I hate you."



I roll my eyes at him when he glances over at me with a smirk. He reaches over and intertwines his hand with mine as he pulls up into a familiar parking lot. He gets out of the car and opens my door, helping me out of the car before shutting it.

"Why are we here?" I ask him as he leads us towards the hidden beach I took him to on our first date.

"We haven't been here in a while." He shrugs his shoulders and starts fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt.

"I missed this place." I say with a smile as I look around.

The orange hue radiates onto our face from the sunset. The trees ruffle with the wind and the waves crash together in a harmony only they can orchestrate.

"It's been a few months since we last visited," I say, "can you believe that?" I ask him and furrow my eyebrows when I get no response. "Ace—" I turn around and immediately intake a sharp breath.

My heart thumps loudly in my chest and my mouth parts in shock.

"Ace?" I whisper, feeling my eyes start to water at the sight of him down on one knee in front of me with a diamond ring extended out towards me.

"River," he sighs softly, "no matter what, I just can't get enough of you. Without you by my side, things don't feel right anymore." he says, gazing up at me with so much gentleness, I might break, "I want to be with you from when I fall asleep at night to when I wake up in the morning  and every moment in between." he looks away briefly and then picks up my hand before stroking the back of it with his thumb, "You don't realise it but you have saved my life. When I got shot, I didn't fight for myself or anyone else. I fought to come back to you." This is the moment where I lose my mind because of the man kneeling in front of me, "My world doesn't function without you in it. You and our twins. The gift of being a father is the best thing you could have ever given me. And I am forever grateful to you for allowing me this opportunity. The opportunity to kneel in front of you and tell you how in love I am with you. How in love I am with our babies. And to tell you how happy I would be if you would do me the honour of spending the rest of your life with me. So that leads me to my final question..."

He takes a deep breath, "Mio cuore, mio anima, mio tutto. Will you do me the honours of making me the luckiest man alive and marry me?" He says softly.

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