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tw: gruesome

tw: gruesome ___________________________________

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"This is fun." Theo smirks, landing a harsh punch to Ivan's face as he groans in pain.

"Trust me." Chase says, kicking Ivan's stomach as he coughs up blood.

"I know right." Kenji says, punching Ivan's jaw.

We were all in a circle taking it in turns to beat this bastard up. We had him untied because this fucker thought he could kill us all and we wanted to test his theory out. So far he has a fracture nose, two teeth knocked out and lost the ability to walk.

The sound of my knuckles cracking fills my ear as I land a hard punch to his cheek. I saw nothing but red. Everything was muffled as the only thing I could focus on was beating the fucker plump until he was begging us to stop. I wanted him dead but I also wanted River to make that decision. And I wanted to make him regret laying his hands on my wife.

The door to the basement opened and footsteps followed suit. I turned my head to the side and my eyes instantly softened seeing my wife walking up to us.

I land one last punch to his jaw and walk over to her.

"Are you okay?" She asks softly, wrapping her arms around my neck. I nod my head in response as she picks up my hands, massaging my bruised knuckles.

"You're asking if he's okay?! What about me?!" Ivan yells, trying to free himself from Theo's harsh grip.

"He's my husband. You're not." River scoffs, directing a cold glare towards him.

I lean down and whisper in her ear, "Are you ready lyubov?" She turns her head to the side and connects her eyes with mine. After sensing her hesitancy, I cup her cheeks, "Maylshka, he won't touch you." I say firmly.

She lets out a shaky exhale and nods her head so I intertwine my hand with hers and lead her over to where Ivan is.

"Let him go." I order Theo.

He nods his head and throws Ivan down to the floor, right by River's feet. He reaches up to touch her ankle but I step on his neck and pull her behind me gently.

"Did I say you can touch her?" I spat out angrily, applying pressure to his neck.

"She's a.. a whore of course she wants it." He struggles to get out as he smirks at River, who tightens her grip on me.

My jaw ticks as I lean down and grab the back of his head, forcing him up to meet my murderous gaze. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing it and gripping Ivan's throat.

"Touch her. I. Dare. You." I seethe, bringing him down to his knees in front of my girl.

I even let go of him and step back, giving him enough room to actually touch her. Smirking, he reaches out to her but before he can lay his filthy hands on her, I grab his wrist and pin it behind his back. He groans painfully when I twist his wrist, the sound of his bones cracking fills the room.

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