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I feel like my head is in a washing machine

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I feel like my head is in a washing machine.

Groaning, I open my eyes. I only now realise that my upper body is hanging off the bed. The covers were thrown on to the floor, where bottles of whiskey lay along with clothes and some other shit.

I squint my eyes to adjust to the light seeping into the room. Rubbing my eyes, I look around the room and see Ace sleeping on the floor shirtless with a stuffed penguin in his arms. Where the hell did that come from? He was laying on his stomach so I couldn't really see his face.

Sighing deeply, I slowly get out of bed. I clutch the sides of my head when it's starts pounding like a bitch. I mosey over to the bathroom but stop in my tracks when I realise that Ace is blocking the damn door.

"Ace," I mumble, kicking him slightly, "Move your fatass out of the way."

He doesn't respond or move. I don't think he can even hear me.

"If you don't move I'm gonna throw up on you." I grumble, kicking him again.

Once again he doesn't move or respond so I bend down to him. I trail my fingers through the back of his hair gently and turn his head to the side.

My lips curl upwards into a scowl when I see the red lipstick mark on the corner of his mouth. That better be my fucking lipstick or I'm going to kill this motherfucker. He's mine.

I grip his hair and tug his head back, causing him to groan, "Who's lipstick is that, Ace?" I ask calmly.

"What?" He mumbles, still being half asleep.

"I don't like repeating myself so don't make me say it again."

"What are you talking about?" He rasps, slowly opening his eyes that were slightly red.

I wipe of some of the lipstick with my thumb and gesture towards it, glaring at him. His eyebrows furrow as he wipes off the remainder of the lipstick with his hand.

"It's yours." He says in his morning voice that has my insides turning.

"How the fuck do you know whether or not it's mine?" I grit out, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because you're the only one I want, love." He says, rubbing his eyes. I think my heart just skipped a whole beat. Scratch that. It definitely did.

I let go of his hair and stand myself upright, "If you're lying to me Ace I will fucking kill you." I say, walking into the bathroom.

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