𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭|Unconditional Love

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smut 👰‍♂️

—I pick her up and start walking towards our room

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I pick her up and start walking towards our room. She wraps her arms around my neck and wraps her legs around my waist.

When we get to our room, I lock the door and lay her down on the bed gently. She looks up at me with those fucking doe eyes and I feel my dick throb. I lean down and tenderly latch my lips onto hers as she trails her fingers through my hair.

I break the kiss momentarily to tug off her shirt and bra along with her sweatpants. I put my hands on either side of her head and mesmerise myself in her beauty.

She's so fucking gorgeous and she's all mine.

I brush my fingers delicately over her soft body, noticing goosebumps crawl along her silky smooth skin. I kiss each scar on her beautiful body then tug my shirt off.

I feel my cheeks heat up when I meet her darkened gaze. That always happens when it comes to her.

"You are a walking sin to any man or woman on this earth, my love." I whisper, lifting her further up onto the bed as her cheeks tint pink.

River would have to be my greatest sin. So beautiful. So addicting. So mine.

She runs her hands up my abs and chest til she reaches my neck. She brings my head down and brushes her lips over mine. When my mouth parts slightly, she leans up and kisses me softly.

I trail my kisses down to her neck and she moans breathlessly when I suck on the spot where her shoulder meets her neck. My kisses move down to her breast and I take her erect nipple into my mouth, sucking on it. Marking it. I do the same to the other nipple and start kissing down to her navel.

I stop and make eye contact with her, smirking after taking in her flustered state. Messy hair falling over her pretty face. Sweat glistening on her skin. Cheeks tinted a bright pink. Hazy eyes and uneven breaths.

Fucking hell.

I feel my dick harden at the sight of her as a low groan leaves the back of my throat.

"So wet for me, tesoro." I say hoarsely, staring at her wet pussy before meeting her heated gaze again.

Keeping eye contact with her, I run my tongue along her wet slit and hold onto her hips when she starts squirming.

"Ace." She gasps, tightly gripping onto my hair.

I groan when she tugs on my hair, moaning breathlessly from the pleasure my tongue is giving her. I swirl my tongue around her dripping cunt and greedily lick up all of her juices.

She tastes so fucking sweet. It gets me high.

I flicked my tongue inside her perfect pussy and ate it like it was my last fucking meal. I thrusted my tongue in and out of it, swirling it around her hole a couple of times.

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