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smut 🤪___________________________________

smut 🤪___________________________________

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I haven't seen her in a month.

I miss her.

I want her.

I need her.

I'm in love with her.

This past month without her here made me realise that.

She's been driving me insane to the point where
I've almost pulled my own hair out just thinking
about her. For God sakes, I don't have a fucking
crush on her. My feelings for her are beyond that. It
has been for a while now but I was too scared to
admit it.

Admit that I love her.

No. I can't love River. I could never admit that
out loud. Call me a pussy I don't care. She's my enemy but I want her so fucking bad.

It's been hell without her here. She left taking all the light with her, leaving me in the dark. Everything's also been quiet without her around.

Those words I said a month ago was a fucking mistake. And yes, I am aware that I'm an asshole. So I don't blame her for ignoring me for a month.

I did what she asked though. I gave her a break. I signed the divorce papers and only contacted her when I did. Which is why she's on her way over here.

I should be happy to see her after a month but I'm not because I know I hurt her. If I could take back those words I said, I would.

The door to my office opens so I look up from my paperwork and see River standing in the doorway. That fire in her eyes is gone. Instead those blue eyes held nothing in them. Her jaw was clenched as she glared at me.

I dragged my eyes away from hers, looking at her attire instead. Denim jeans with a black off shoulder crop top that reveals her rib tattoo and toned stomach. Paired with white air maxes along with a green sweatshirt that was tied around her waist.

The urge to touch her is high. Very high. But I refrain myself from doing so. Instead I get up from my chair and open my drawer, taking out the signed divorce papers. She watches me and then moves her gaze to the papers I place on my desk.

I walk around the desk and perch my rear on it, crossing my arms over my chest. Our eyes are locked. No one moves. No one says anything.
We're just in silence, gazing at each other. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my own pulse beating. 

Say something you stupid fucking idiot. There's no
point in apologising because she'll probably slap me. Or kill me.

I want to hear her voice. I want to kiss and hug her. I just want her.

She takes a step closer. Then another one. And then another one until she was directly in front of me. Her eyes stay on mine the whole time and I didn't look away, drowning myself in her ocean eyes.

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