𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞|"How insane?"

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Ace has just told me that he's going on a business trip tomorrow morning meaning I have the whole house to myself

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Ace has just told me that he's going on a business trip tomorrow morning meaning I have the whole house to myself. How fucking lucky could I get?

While he's gone, the first thing I'll do it raid his cologne drawer because I seriously need some of that shit he wears. Call me weird I don't care.

Next I'll steal one of his cars, preferably the Audi R8. He won't even know so it's fine. I'll threaten his guards or some shit if they rat me out.

Then I'll stock up his cabinets with proper food because I don't know how this man survives with just fruit and veg. Everyone needs a bit of sweetness in their life. Hence why I have already stocked his pantry with skittles and Fanta.

I think now would be a perfect time to corrupt him since he'll be gone and there's nothing he can do about it. Although there's a high chance he'll cut the deal short but we both know that he needs me.

Damn that's a lot of stuff to do.

These fives days will be fun without that asshole.

Speaking of that loser, I've seriously considered stabbing him because they amount of times I've caught that bastard stealing my skittles isn't even funny. No one touches my skittles.

Maybe I should throw him off a cliff. Yeah.

I shifted over onto my side and grabbed my phone from the nightstand to see that it's two in the morning. Well now I can't fucking sleep. I shouldn't of had taken a nap.

I feel like going downstairs in the middle of the night has become a habit of mine. Which is why I'm doing it right now.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked Ace after seeing him sitting on the couch with paperwork in his hands.

One of his shoulders lifted into a shrug and his eyes remained on the work in front of him. It's two in the morning and his flight is at six. How this man functions is beyond me.

He does look kinda tired however.

I sat myself down in the seat next to him and faced him directly.

"Go to bed." I said.

Ace turned his head towards me, eyeing me for a moment. He inhaled a deep breath before replying, "No." He grumbled, turning his attention away from me.

I rolled my eyes and turned the tv off, getting up from my seat to stand in front of him.

He shot me an annoyed glance.

"Do me a favour. Listen closely," He said, standing up, and now towering over me. Giraffe I'm telling you.

"What?" I said, glaring up at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fuck off." He said nonchalantly, shooting me a sarcastic smile.

I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at him, "You'll miss me too much." I smirked.

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