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It's been ten days

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It's been ten days . Ace has been in a coma for a ten days.

The doctors are always telling me the same news; four gunshots wounds. One to the chest, two the leg and one to his stomach. He's been in critical condition for ten days. He's had more than one surgery and right now we're waiting for him to wake up.

I need him to wake up.

We've been sitting around in the waiting room. I haven't left since he came in. Expect when Alea literally had to drag me out so I can freshen up a bit.

My whole body hurts. I can't sleep without him. I can't seem to do anything without him. I just want him.

"Here bae." Alea says, handing me a hot chocolate and sitting down next to me in Ace's hospital room.

"Thanks." I mutter, taking the hot chocolate from her and putting it to the side. Food right now makes me feel sick.

I hear her sigh and then I feel her hand on my shoulder. I fought the urge to shrug her hand off me but refrained from doing so.

"River," She says softly, "it's been ten days. His condition isn't changing. Don't you think it's time to consider letting him—"

"Please don't." I mutter, moving away from her and sitting down on the chair by Ace's bed. "He'll wake up."

I don't want her to finish that sentence. I refuse to accept that he's gone.

"Get some rest River. You know where to find me if you need anything." She says, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room.

"Please Ace. Please wake up. I can't do this without you." I choke out, intertwining my hand with his as tears spill out of my eyes.

I listened to the sound of his steady heart rate on the monitor. An oxygen mask covered his mouth, the only that's keeping him alive right now. Bandages were wrapped around him. And his skin was cold to the touch.

I kissed the back of his hand and brushed hair away from his forehead before placing a soft kiss there with trembling lips.

I trail my hands through the side of his hair, leaning my forehead against his. "Come back to me, amor. I'll be here when you wake up." I whisper.

The door to his room opened, revealing Theo. His eyes were red but a smile was still plastered across his face although I can see right through his facade.

"How is he?" He asks, walking up to me.

"The same." I sigh, keeping my eyes on Ace.

"Andreas and Ivan are in the cells." He says, taking a seat next to me.

"Keep them there. They don't get to die easily." I say, feeling the anger rise in me. They'll pay for everything they have done to us.

"Yes Donna." He teases, toying with my title.

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