𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧|"Stay quiet darling"

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I went to the ball earlier than River since she was still getting changed and couldn't be arsed to wait for her slow ass

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I went to the ball earlier than River since she was still getting changed and couldn't be arsed to wait for her slow ass. Plus she was slightly hungover.

"The men are ready." Theo confirmed as he stood next to me.

"Good. Remember the priority is Alexei." I explained, sipping on my champagne.

Theo gave me a firm head nod in response just as a group of men approached. Socialising. Kill me.

"Mr Del Rosso." One of the men said, shaking my hand with a weird fucking smile on his face. Seriously who is this fuck? When he sensed my confusion he spoke again, "Diego Rodrigo."

The leader of the Mexican mafia. Oh.

"What can I do for you Mr Rodrigo?" I arched an eyebrow, putting my drink down onto the table.

"My daughter, Kira has been missing for a week now. My men are yet to find her and we need the extra help. We suspect it's Ivan's doing and we know about your current relationship status with him which is why we could use your help. I'll pay you whatever you need, just please bring my daughter back." Diego pleaded, letting out a deep breath.

I glanced over at Theo who shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at the man in front of me.

"50 mil. Deal or no deal." I said, leaning back in my seat.

Diego sighed and nodded his head firmly, "Deal. Lets run through the plan." He sat down in the seat in front of me. Help yourself I guess.

"Me and my men are raiding his warehouse tonight. We'll see if your daughter.."

My eyes caught sight of River, who was walking through the entrance doors. A long black dress hugged her curves perfectly, and there was a slit along the side that showed her silky smooth thighs.

Her sapphire eyes caught mine and a smirk grew on her red lips when she caught me staring. She maintained eye contact as she walked over to our table, swaying her hips slightly with each step she took. It should be illegal to wear that dress.

I licked my lips, letting my eyes trail along her body. I want to rip that damn dress of and fuck her right here. She is fucking tempting me wearing that.

"Mr Del Rosso, you were saying." Diego's voice snapped me back from my staring so I looked away from River and towards him.

I cleared my throat and adjusted myself in my seat, "Right. We'll see if your daughter is in one of the holding cells they have here."

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