𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲|"That feels nice"

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"Like it?" I asked River as soon as she finished chewing her pizza

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"Like it?" I asked River as soon as she finished chewing her pizza.

"Taste like shit." She said nonchalantly, pushing away her empty plate.

"Then where's the rest of the pizza, Riv?" I said, arching an eyebrow and smirked at her.

She patted her stomach and grinned. Deep dents in her cheeks appeared, forming dimples that I didn't know she had.

I don't understand why she hides such a pretty smile.

"Idiota." I shook my head slightly and pulled her chair closer to me.

My eyes drifted down to her lips, seeing some sauce on them. I ran my thumb along her bottom lip, wiping the sauce of it. Keeping eye contact, I licked the sauce of my thumb and watched her eyes move down to it as her cheeks turned pink.

One kiss to those lips and I'll be a goner.

Unexpectedly, River gently gripped onto my chin and turned my face to the side. My eyebrows furrowed together, wondering what the fuck she's doing.

My questions soon disappeared when she placed a soft kiss onto my cheek.

That kiss shouldn't of affected me like it did. An unfamiliar feeling swirled around in my stomach as I stared at her, completely dumbstruck.

"There's your thank you kiss." She said, giving me a small smile.

God what is she doing to me? I can't tell if I hate it or like it.

"Close your mouth Ace. You look like you've seen a ghost or some shit." She chuckled and took a sip of her drink.

Finally snapping out of my trance, I cleared my throat and inhaled a deep breath. I'm fucked.

"I'm going up." I grumbled, getting off my seat and quickly walking out. I didn't even bother waiting for her reply as I rushed towards my room.

Fucking pussy.

I brought a hand up to the cheek she kissed and lightly touched it. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I walked over to my bathroom and decided to take a quick shower.


Me, Theo and some of my other men went to one of my clubs downtown for drinks since we've been training all day.

I haven't spoken to River since last night. Mainly because there's nothing to talk about.

"How many of those have you had?" I asked Theo, watching him down another shot.

"Maybe 2 or maybe 9." He slurred, grinning at me.

"Well that's enough. Get some water dumbass." I grumbled and moved the drinks away from him.

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