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smut 😏 and lots of it 🦽 no seriously LOTS of it 🌚

—I wrapped my arms around her waist and turned her around so she was facing my office door

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I wrapped my arms around her waist and turned her around so she was facing my office door. I felt nothing but anger and I wanted her to feel it too as I fuck her in my office.

"You're going to regret everything you've done when I'm finished with you." I whispered harshly into her ear, tugging down her sweatpants.

"Are you angry Ace? Then show me." She said, turning her head to the side to smirk at me, "Show me what happens when you dare to cross the almighty Ace Del Rosso." She taunts, fuelling my anger more.

Two can play that game Arccadi. Two can play that game.

Roughly, I grab her hips and dragged her to my desk. I step back and unbuckle my belt, keeping eye contact with her darkened gaze. I wasn't going to use it but if she keeps running her mouth like that then she leaves me no choice.

I walk around my desk and open one of my drawers, grabbing a condom packet. When I look back up, River is sat on top of my desk with a smirk on her face. 

"Bend yourself over my desk." I demand, unbuttoning my shirt.

"Yes sir." She whispered lowly, getting off my desk and bending over it. This was a sight to see; her at my mercy.

I groaned internally when she shot me an innocent look as my already hard dick was getting even  harder.

"Green. You want me to stop, you say green."  I said as she smirked.

I took off her sweatpants and underwear, letting them pool at her feet. My hands made their way to her exposed ass and I grabbed a handful of the soft flesh, squeezing it in my hand, eliciting a soft moan from her pretty mouth.

Her mouth opened to say something else but with a quick slap to her ass by my belt, it closed immediately.

I bent down to her level, my clothed dick brushing against her naked ass as I whispered against her ear, "Do you wanna know what I'd do?"

She gulps and nods her head.

"Worded consent." I whispered, kissing the skin below her ear as I continued to palm her round ass.

"You have my consent." She said without hesitation and I smirked.

"You stupid woman. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into." I said, pinning her hands behind her back and tying them up with my belt.

I took a step back and admired the view of having her bent over my desk like this with her red ass on display for my eyes only. I smirk at the sight of her, bent over, tied up and wet as fuck.

"You just gonna stand there?" River snapped, pushing her ass up to me.

I landed a harsh slap to her ass in response and took a step forward. My hard dick pushed against her ass and I groaned slightly when she started grinding on it.

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