The Elven Road

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"Black speech"
"Dragon speech"
Third Person POV

The company rides rapidly across the land, slowing to a stop as they approach a looming, gloomy-looking forest. Gandalf dismounts and walks into the edge of the forest through an ancient archway.

"The Elven Gate." He mutters, sensing the hidden darkness with in.
"Here lies our path through Mirkwood."

(Y/n) dismounts from Hades and helps Bilbo down. Something felt wrong, this wasn't the same forest she used to play in as a child.

"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin stated, looking around for the pack.

Gandalf squints as he sees something in the distance; it is Beorn, in his bear-form, watching them from a distant ridge. (Y/n) follows his gaze, before walking over to the ponies.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." She said, as she began to unbuckle the gear.

As everyone helps set the ponies loose, Bilbo approaches the forest on foot.

"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?"

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north," Gandalf started, "or twice that distance south." (Y/n) finished with an exasperated sigh, as she finished getting all the stuff together. 'Why do they need so many pans?' She thought, lifting the bag full of food equipment.

Gandalf follows a path a few feet further into the shadows and approaches a plant-covered statue. At the same time, Bilbo, who is standing by himself, reaches into his pocket and, after some internal conflict, slowly pulls out the Ring and fingers it. Just like when he examined it in Beorn's house, (Y/n)'s head snapped towards the hobbit, the sudden force of dark energy seething from him.

She looked towards Gandalf to see if he had seen what the Hobbit had, but he looked very deep in thought.

'Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sight. Every day it grows in strength. Beware the Necromancer. He is not what he seems.' Galadriel's voice played in his head.

He approaches the statue apprehensively, then quickly yanks off the vines, revealing a painted-on Eye of Sauron. His gaze turned to the female warrior helping the Dwarves, doing her best to not gaze into the forest. 'Did she knows?'

'If our enemy has returned, we must know. Go to the tombs in the mountains.'

Gandalf, hearing her words in his head, nods in agreement.

"The High Fells. So be it." Due to her enhanced hearing, (Y/n) froze at his words.....the nine.

The unladen ponies trot away; Nori is just about to finish unsaddling Gandalf's horse when Gandalf emerges from the forest.

"Not my horse! I need it."

As Gandalf strides forward, the Company looks up and murmurs in surprise.

(Y/n) looks quietly away, the fear of pains return beginning to flood her already burdened mind.

"You're not leaving us?" Bilbo asks him in shock.

"I would not do this unless I had to."

Gandalf looks at (Y/n), noticing the shadow growing in her eyes, then turns and looks at a dejected Bilbo.

"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire."

"I was going to tell you; I...found something in the Goblin tunnels." Bilbo managed to choke out, mentally battling himself on whether he should tell Gandalf.

"Found what?"

Gandalf leans forward curiously and suspiciously; Bilbo doesn't answer immediately, but fumbles with the ring in his pocket.

"What did you find?"

Bilbo stays silent for several more seconds, then finally responds.

"My courage."

He removes his hand from his pocket.

(Y/n)'s fear grew, as she heard the conversation. She couldn't alarm Gandalf if he's already going to the tombs, but she also couldn't just take the ring from the hobbit.

"Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it."

Gandalf turns and begins walking toward his horse; he speaks as he passes Thorin.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me."

Gandalf stops and looks hard at Thorin as he says this, then continues toward his horse.

"This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead us astray." (Y/n) mutters, standing at the foot of the path. The Dwarves look at her stance, tense and her voice sharp. Gandalf looks at her with worry.

"Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo asks Dwalin who shrugs.

Gandalf gets on his horse, "You must stay on the path; do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again."

"No matter what may come, stay on the path!" He shouts as he begins to ride away.

Thorin and the rest of the company turn toward the forest.

"Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." Noticing the former Mordor warrior already walking ahead. Holding her head as if she had started to get a headache.

She already knew of the headache that ruled these woods, and was silently pray they didn't run into him.

"This is our one chance to find the hidden door."

The Company enters Mirkwood. They are following the paved path that started at the Elven Gate. Thorin leads the company, following (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

"The path goes this way." I mutter, mad at myself for not seeing the signs of his return. If the nine are out, the battle for the world won't be far behind.

I kept walking down the path I knew so well. Childhood memories come flooding in. Bit surprising as I am well over 1000 years old.

After walking for what felt like forever, I could feel the air getting thicker, but I could carry on.

I was so lost on my own thoughts I didn't realise how quiet it was. Too quiet. Suddenly turning around, I saw that the Company were nowhere near behind me.


Third person POV

As the dwarves and Bilbo keep following the path through the forest, it twists and turns over all sorts of terrain such as bare ground, high ledges, fallen tree trunks, and more. They had long lost sight of the Elven like Queen.

"Air. I need air."

"My head, it's spinning."

The dwarves suddenly run into each other as Nori, in front, stops abruptly.

"What's happening?"

"Keep moving. Nori, why have we stopped?" Thorin asks, charging to the front.

"The's disappeared!" Nori said breathlessly, lack of fresh air getting to the all of them.

"What's going on?"

"We've lost the path!"

They are standing in front of a steep cliff, and there is no path ahead of them.

"Find it. All of you look. Look for the path!"

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