Council of the King

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(Y/n)'s POV

The lavish chambers were beautiful. Greenery spilling out from every corner.

Plush green pillows with a silver and golden swirls. Dark green silk sheets, with a feather mattress.

A desk coming out of the wall like it was carved out of the tree itself. With a matching chair, covered by a silver velvet cushion.

It felt so homely, despite the coldness of the kind. The atmosphere was warm.

I used to love it here as a child. My mother a long friend of the late Queen. She brought me here to get away from the dark and evilness of Mordor.

To give me a friend, and a softer place to call him. She tried to leave me here, to protect me. Let the King and Queen protect me. However my father got his ways.

The King used to show me such kindness, but as soon as his wife was cruelly taken from this world, he cast me out.

He seemed to forget he wasn't the only one who lost someone that day.

They died side by side, the grief I felt that day was catastrophic. I only saw red. The one I could go to, the one who brought be comfort.....the one I could be strong for....ripped from me.

I don't remember much after I saw her fall.

I only remember coming to, with piles of bodies surrounding me. Dismembered and burnt.

A knock at the door shook me out of my thoughts.


The door creaked open and revealed my old friend.

"He's waiting for you" He held out his arm for me. Sighing with a smile I linked my arm with his.

"Is this how you've been taught to treat royals?" He chucked as we walked through the woodlands kingdom.

"No, I just don't want you walking away from me again" I looked up and saw the small smirk on his face.

The same smirk he has when he beat me at a sparring match....if only he knew I let him win.

We soon got to the steep wooden staircase.

"I'll be waiting for you after....don't let him patronise you" he slowly slipped his arm from mine, his hand slinger again mine.

I scoffed with a smile, "you've met me, who could patronise me"

Turning away from him I began the climb.

He soon came into view.

King Thranduil, ruler of the Woodland Realm.

His expression was unreadable as he sat upon his throne.

"A group of Dwarves set off to reclaim their homeland, in what concern is that of the lone warrior?" He stares in somewhat amusement.

I look around the area, only seeing a few guards before glancing back at him.

"No concern of yours, that's for sure" I click my tongue and stand my ground.

He huffs with a chuckle and leaned back into his throne.

"Just like your mother, stubborn to the last moment"

I'd go off on him about mentioning her, he had absolutely no right to speak about her.

But I decided I'd use his wife against him if I needed too.

"I see you have a spider problem" I turned around to start pacing. I find it easier to think whilst moving.

"Indeed. Not that's your business"

He stood up and began to walk down to me, as if to intimidate me by his height.

"Of course it's my business, I know exactly where they come from and by who's command that are on" I snapped at him. Who everyone in this blasted world can be so blind I don't know!

"Oh? And by who's command is that?"

Smirking I turned to look towards the kingdom.

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone....."

I could hear him shuffle uncomfortably behind me.

"Nine for mortal men doomed to die....impossible"

I looked at him with a glare. "Nothing is impossible"

I could see him rest his hand on his sword. I knew he wouldn't challenge me but I also knew the thought of Sauron's return brought great fear to those who fought him the first time.

"What did you offer Thorin, I assume he didn't take it as they'd be leaving by now" Thranduil's hand moved off his sword as he went back towards his throne.

"I offered to let them go on the promise of what's mine be returned to me"

I had a think for a moment. Must have been something in the mountain.

"White Gems of Lasgalen? Gems made of pure starlight...." I could see his eyes gloss over with memories of his late wife.

"He denied me, said I lacked honour"
He scoffed and sat back.

I shook my head, "I can't help by agree with him. I know you warned Thror about what his actions would bring.....but the innocent people who had to suffer, what happened wasn't their fault"

I couldn't help but see a glimmer of guilt in his otherwise put together manner.

"Perhaps, but the king's people is his responsibility" I could also see his reasoning.

"What if I got you the gems, even if I have to pry them out of Thorin's hands? Would you set them free?" He leant forward like he was liking that idea.

"Is that all you want in return? To set them free?" Not everyone works on the basis of what I get in return!

"There's nothing else you could give me" Thranduil glanced at the side where I couldn't see and smiled.

"Well, I could let you stay here for a while. You and my son have not seen each other for almost 400 years"

His words reminded me of when I was young, Thranduil and his wife, with my mother, pushing me and Legolas together.

He spoke again before I could respond.

"I'll give your suggestion some thought, but for now I'll let them stew in the cells. You are welcome to stay here as a guest for now" with a flick of his hand I was dismissed.

I simply turned around and headed down the stairs.

'I suppose that'll give me time to catch up with Legolas' I smiled to myself, and went to find the woodland prince.

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