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Once everyone was asleep, Gandalf came over and sat next to me.

"You know, I'm surprised that you actually came on this journey" he chuckles and inspects the wooden dagger I carved.

"What makes you say that?" I turned to him with a slight smile, all ready knowing the answer.

"You're not as cold hearted as the books say (Y/n), I know that you have more care than darkness in your heart, but I also know that you are not the dwarves biggest fan" I nod knowing that it's true.

If the dwarves found out who I was, they would surely send me away, or attempt to kill me.
"If I'm honest I came for the hobbit, this world is big for a little being, I couldn't just let him walk into dragon fire head first" I mumbled looking out into the distance.

Gandalf just sighed and pat my shoulder.

"Get some rest mithrandir, we have a long journey a head of us" I continued to stay up all night, the Orcs had not approached us, meaning they probably haven't seen that we are here.

—Time Skip brought to you by Aragorn 🤴🗡—

It was soon morning, they sun rising woke up the sleeping company.

I was already packing Hades back up as Bilbo came up to me with his bag.

"You wouldn't mind if I-"he gestured his heavy looking bag up to me.

I smiled down at the small hobbit and took the bag off of his hands, strapping it down securely onto the dark unicorn.

"Of course not, here let me give you a lift up" I carefully lifted Bilbo up, so that he was seated comfortably onto the saddle.

It wasn't long until we had all set off.
It was mostly quiet.

Bilbo talked to me to keep the awkward silence away.

"Are you an elf?" He asked with curiosity.

I giggled and shook my head, "not quite, I have the appearance and grace of an elf but not fully elvish"

It's true, I'm not sure why I'm not half Orc, but I guess an Elf and Dragon is a better combination for a warrior than the latter.

About four hours into our journey the rain be came to pour heavily.

The rain never really bothered me, it wasn't going to hurt me so why fight it?

"Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" One of the dwarves, Dori, I think grumbled out.

"It is raining, Master dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard." I giggle at Gandalf's words, knowing full well that he could stop the rain if he really wanted.

Bilbo perked up, "Are there any?" He asked, I had wrapped my blanket around him so at-least around his head is dry.

"What?" Gandalf asks behind him, not understanding the meaning of the hobbit's question.

"Other wizards" I answered for him.

"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. And then there are the two Blue Wizards... You know, I've quite forgotten their names." Even I can't remember the two blue wizards names, I've always found it strange how they all have colours.

"And the fifth?"

"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown"

I've met Radagast once before. He's a very odd fellow, but his heart is in the right place.

He helped heal my wing when I was younger and couldn't fly very well in my Dragon form.

"Is he a great wizard, or is he more like you?" I laugh at the cheekiness of the little hobbit.

"Well, I think he is a very great wizard... in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals for others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too. For always evil will look to find a foothold in this world"

Lonely Dragon {Legolas x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now