Spider Attack!

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Third person POV

All of the dwarves have been captured by giant spiders; the spiders have hung them upside down from tree branches. A spider tows a web-encased Bilbo toward the dwarves, then reaches for him with its jaws, presumably to administer its poison.

Bilbo wakes up and realizes what is happening; just as the spider bends toward him, he manages to swing his sword, which he had been holding, straight up from his body, through the web, and into the spider. He guts it and flings it over the edge of the branch he had been lying on, sending it crashing to the forest floor.

He quickly rips off the cocoon of web he has been wrapped in. Looking up, he sees the dwarves wrapped up and hanging from branches; he hides behind a tree trunk as a spider climbs up the other side of the trunk.

He pulls out his Ring from his pocket and slips it on his finger. In addition to becoming invisible, he enters the Ring's "other dimension," and he can suddenly understand what the spiders are saying.

"Kiilll theemm. Kiill theemm."

"Eat them now."

"Their hide is tough. There is good juice inside."

"Stick it again! Stick it again! Finish it off!"

The spiders surround web covered Bombur; he kicks, but can't do much when wrapped up so tightly.

"Ahh! The meat's alive and kicking!"

"Kill them, kill them now. Let us feast."

The rest of the spiders take up the chant, "Feast! Feast!"

Bilbo, holding his sword in front of him, approaches the spiders. He ducks just in time as a spider crawls along a branch above him, going toward the dwarves. Bilbo throws a piece of wood away and to the side, causing all the spiders to rush after the source of noise.

"What is it? What is it? Kill it! Feast! Feast!"

One spider stays behind and prepares to eat a wrapped and squirming Bombur.

"Fat and juicy. Just a little taste."

The spider drops Bombur to the tree trunk and prepares to eat him.

Bilbo sneaks up and strikes it on its rear with his sword. The spider spins around and hisses, but Bilbo is invisible to it. Bilbo keeps slicing at it, slicing away a leg and part of its head.

"Curses! Where is it? Where is it?!"

Bilbo pulls off his ring, revealing himself to the spider. He gives a little smile before he speaks.


Bilbo thrust his sword directly into the spider's head.

"It stings! Stings!"

Bilbo pulls out his sword and the spider, dead, crashes to the ground. Bilbo looks at his sword.

"Sting. That's a good name."

Bilbo looks toward where the dwarves are still wrapped and tied up.


(Y/n)'s POV

'No no no no no' I repeated in my head as I sprinted towards where the screams came from - fearful as I can't  hear them anymore.

Suddenly I heard the rustling of sticks and leaves above me.

I looked up to see two giant spiders making their way towards me.

"Kill!" They both chanted.

Snarling I unsheathed my sword. "Try me"

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