Something Else Out There

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(Y/n)'s POV

The Orc pack was close, I could smell them from a mile away.
But there was something else.

An old but familiar scent.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Bilbo came back from scouting.

"How close is the pack?"

"Too close, a couple leagues, no more.....but that's not the worst of it" Bilbo managed to huff out.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?"

Thankfully, being half dragon, half elf, I can mask my scent, people don't see me unless I want them too.

"Not yet, but they will do, we have another problem"

Bilbo was about to explain, but he was interrupted again.

"Did they see you? They saw you!" The dwarves began to panic.

"No, that's not it" they all sighed in relief.

Bilbo was about to continue, but this time was interrupted by Gandalf.

"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse, excellent burglar material" all the dwarves hummed in agreement as Bilbo's annoyance grew.

"Will you listen!? Will you just.....listen? I'm trying to tell you...there is something else out there!" He whispered yelled.

Both me and Gandalf glanced at each other.


"Was it a bear?" I question the Hobbit.

"Yes...but bigger. Much bigger"

The Dwarvws then started to argue about what to do next.

"There is a house, it's not far from here, where we might take refuge...." I suggested.

"Who's house? Are they friend or foe?" Thorin questioned looking between me and Gandalf.

"Neither, he will help us or he will kill us"

The company seemed to disagree with the idea.

Suddenly a loud warg roar rung through the sky.

"What choice do we have?"


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