Thunder Battle

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(Y/n)'s POV

Elrond had summoned me and Gandalf to a secret meeting.
However Gandalf pulled me a side before we could meet up with him.

"The Dwarves will leave room soon, I want you to go with them, keep them safe, we've already encountered Orcs"

I started at him like he handed me a dead rat.

"They won't let me go with them Gandalf! Thorin already drives me up the wall....I will burn him eventually..."
I glared at him so he knew I was being serious.

Gandalf looked at me with a pleading look.

"You don't have to go with them...just....follow in the shadows"

Before I could say anything, he was gone.

"Ugh why am I always stuck with babysitting!" I mentally facepalm.

Quickly gathering my thing, I hurried down to the stables where Hades was.

"The Dwarves have already left, I saw them a few moments ago"

I heard him say as I saddled him up.

"They will most likely take the mountain understanding of what that place contains, both inside and out!"

He whined in reply, his was of laughing.

We soon took off trotting after them, hoping to maintain my distance.

~Time skip brought to you by Azog's hair~

When I reached the mountain pass it was dark, raining and windy.


I had to let Hades go, telling him to meet me the other side of the passage or to hear for my whistle.

'Why on earth did I listen to Gandalf' I thought to myself as I gracefully made my way along the side of the "mountain" for all I know it could be a Giant.

It wasn't long before a storm hit the mountain....

"Uh oh"

I soon picked up my pace. Oh well, they were going to find out I was following eventually.

"We must find shelter!"

I soon hear a shout before an almighty crash!

"This is no's a Thunder Battle!"

I hurried as fast as I could, it wasn't long before I could see them, only a few feet ahead.....

Standing on the legs of a Giant!

It soon began fighting with the others.

I could shift, but it would only make things worse.

Just before I almost reached them, the head of the Giant was knocked clean off.
Effectively causing the stone beast to come collapsing down!


It was like everything was in slow motion.

The Giant collapsed, crushing half the company into the side of the mountain....including Bilbo!

"NO!" I charged forward......

Only to see everyone was alright!

Except Bilbo was hanging off the edge!

Thorin's POV

Seeing everyone reaching down for the Hobbit, I hopped down on a tiny ledge, grabbed hold of him and heaved him up.

Only when it was my turn to be lifted up, I suddenly slipped and could feel myself falling....

Until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me from falling to my appending doom.

I looked up to see the last person I'd expect.

"I'd be careful, nasty drop down there!" She said with a cheeky grin.

"You!" I glared at her, "I told you, you are not welcome with us"

She loosened her grip a little, causing me to panic.

"Who is A) hanging of a drop and B) the decider of you current fate" she did with a raised eyebrow.

I lowered my head in defeat, she must have took it as a sign of surrender and heaved me up to safety with ease.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

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