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"So, (Y/n)" Bilbo started. It had been a long while since we left the Shire, the sun was almost down.

"Where are you from?" He looked up to look at me, smiling.

"Hmm, I'm not from around here, my home is days away, just on the outskirts of Middle Earth" I hummed. It's going to be long until I see my home again.

"Outside Middle Earth? I have read about a kingdom of warriors, the Dacagoth, I believed they are called" he stated in thought.

'I had no idea there was information about us...'

"Just a legend Bilbo, there's not much out there" I smiled down at him and continued to look forward.

—Time Skip brought to you by Azog—

Night had approached quickly, and everyone was settling down for rest.

Fili and Kili were by a fire, Balin was reading, Gandalf was smoking his pipe and the the rest were sleeping.

I was carving wood into little trinkets. Being the night guard isn't entertaining so, I improvise.

Bilbo got up from next to me and stretched his little arms when suddenly there were growls coming from a far

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Bilbo got up from next to me and stretched his little arms when suddenly there were growls coming from a far.

"What was that?" He asked frightened as everyone awake tensed, except me.

"Orcs" Kili muttered. Bilbo moves closer to them, and Thorin woke to mention of the beasts.


"Throat cutters, there'd be dozens of them out there?" Fili answered.

"They come at night when everyone is sleeping, there's no screams, just lots of blood" when they saw the scared look on poor Bilbo's face the broke into chuckles.

"You think an Orc raid is a joke?" Thorin seethed. Both the brothers looked down in guilt.

"We didn't mean anything by it" Kili said, with a face like a kicked puppy.

"No you didn't, you know nothing of he world" he stormed off to look over the side of the cliff.

'Drama queen' I rolled my eyes.

"I'm guessing he's had an experience with Orcs?" I asked as Balin had gotten up and joins us.

"Yes, Thorin has more reason to hate Orcs than most" we all looked towards the prince as Balin began the tale of Moria.

"After the Dragon has taken the mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria, but our enemy had gotten there first. Moria has been taken, by legions of Orcs...led by the most vile of their race-"

"Azog the Defiler?" I asked in which Balin nodded.

"The giant Gundabad Orc has sworn to wipe out the line of Durin, he beheading the king, Thrain, Thorin's father was driven mad with grief...he went missing, taken prisoner or killed...we did not know.
We were leader less, defeat and death were upon us..." Bilbo looked intrigued by the story as Balin began to smile.

"That is when I saw him...a young dwarf prince, facing down the pale Orc, he stood alone, against this terrible foe! His armour rent, using nothing but a oaken branch as a shield-"

"So that's where he gets his name from, I knew it wasn't his surname!" I gasped causing Gandalf to chuckled.

"Ahem sorry" I smiled at Balin who returned it and carried on with his story.

"Azog the Defiler learned that day, that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces rallied and forced the Orcs back, and our enemy had been defeated" soon his tone of voice changed to a saddened one.

"But there was no feast nor song that night,
For our dead were beyond the count of grief, we few had survived...and I thought to myself then....there is one I could follow....there is one, I could call king"

By now all the dwarves had woken up, and Thorin made his way back.

"And the pale Orc, what happened to him?" Bilbo asked Balin, but Thorin answered for him.

"That filth slug back into the hole from which he once came, he died of his wounds long ago" he snarled and walked back to his makeshift bed.

I shared a knowing glance with Gandalf as both of us knew, that that was not all.

Lonely Dragon {Legolas x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now