Some memories are forgotten dreams

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Legloas met (Y/n) as she descended the stairs to his father's throne. "Come on, I want to show you something." He gave her a small smile, before guiding her further into his kingdom.

(Y/n) side eyed him as they walk, trying to wrack her memories of what he could possibly want to show her. The Woodland Realm hadn't changed much since she was last here.

In the heart of the Woodland realm, amidst towering plants and lush greenery, stood a mighty tree that had witnessed centuries of history. Its branches reached high into the sky, its leaves shimmering in the sunlight. This tree was no ordinary tree - it was a symbol of friendship and love, planted by two unlikely companions many lifetimes ago.

(Y/n) stood beneath the tree with a sense of wonder in her eyes. As they walked through the forest, memories flooded back to her - memories of a time when they were just children, innocent and carefree.

"I can't believe it's still here," (Y/n) said, her voice filled with emotion. "I remember the day we planted this tree like it was yesterday."

Legolas smiled, his eyes sparkling with nostalgia. "Yes, we were just kids back then, weren't we? It's amazing to see how much it's grown over the years."

As they stood side by side, gazing up at the tree, a sense of peace washed over them. The tree's branches swayed gently in the breeze, its silver flowers glowing like stars in the night sky. It was a sight that took their breath away, reminding them of the bond they had shared all those years ago.

"Do you remember when we used to climb this tree?" Legolas asked, a soft smile playing on his lips. "We would spend hours up here, pretending we were on grand adventures."

(Y/n) laughed, a sound that echoed through the forest like music. "Yes, and you always insisted on being the hero, rescuing me from imaginary monsters."

Legolas chuckled, his eyes full of warmth. "Well, someone had to save you from your reckless ways, my dear Queen. You were always getting yourself into trouble."

As they spoke, flashes of their childhood memories danced before their eyes. They remembered running through the forest, playing games of hide and seek, and laughing until their sides hurt. They remembered the warmth of the sun on their faces and the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves. They remembered the bond that had formed between them, a bond that had stood the test of time.

"I never thought I would see you again" Legolas said, his voice quiet. "But I'm grateful that fate has brought us back together."

(Y/n) nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I am grateful too, Legolas. You were always a light in the darkness for me, a friend when I had none."

As they stood beneath the tree, surrounded by the beauty of the forest, they felt a sense of peace wash over them. The past may have been filled with turmoil and war, but in that moment, all that mattered was the bond they shared, the memories they cherished, and the love that had endured through the ages.

And so, (Y/n) and Legolas stood together, hand in hand, beneath the tree they had planted so long ago. In that moment, they knew that their friendship was everlasting, a light that would guide them through the darkest of times. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the forest, they whispered words of thanks to the tree that had brought them back together once more.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure stood away, watching the old friends reconnect with a small smile on his face.

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