Sarcasm Dressed in Silver

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Third Person POV

Legolas raised his arms and slowly turned around to see if he was correct.

The sight he saw brought a flood of memories. His old childhood friend, how she'd grown up.

Standing out from the Dwarves, her hair braided, looking silky and soft. Intimidating but he wasn't afraid.

"You know it's rude to stare old friend"

She smirked at him. My how he has grown up. She could see Thorin nod to her, gesturing all the arrows now pointing at her.

She slowly lowered her weapon.



The group whirl around and see a spider pulling Kili away by the foot. A female Elf, runs through the forest. She kills three spiders with her bow and knife, then kills the spider pulling Kili with an arrow. She turns to attack another spider behind her, and yet another spider rushes toward Kili.

"Throw me your dagger! Quick!" He pleads.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!"

Tauriel kills her spider with her knife, then spins and throws the knife, killing the spider that was attacking Kili. Kili looks on in amazement.

"Search them"

The elves approach the dwarves and start searching them. An elf confiscates two of Fili's knives. Legolas pulls a picture frame with two pictures out of Gloin's pocket.

"Hey! Give it back! That's private!"

Legolas looks at a picture of a dwarf.

"Who is this? Your brother?"

"That is my wife!"

Legolas looks at the other picture, which is of a dwarf child.

"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?"

"That's my wee lad, Gimli."

Legolas raises his eyebrow at Gloin in contempt.

A brown haired Elven came towards (Y/n), she glared at him, "Touch me and I'll be the last thing you do"

The elf looked towards his Prince, who just nodded. He knew what she was capable of, and knew his father would want a council with her.

Meanwhile, the elf searching Fili finds even more knives all around his person. Fili sighs when the elf finds even some in a secret hidden pocket.

"Are the spiders dead?"

"Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder."

Both Legolas and Tauriel turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"They are coming from Dol Guldur" (Y/n) said with a weary expression. The dull pain in her head getting gradually stronger.

Fili opens his jacket to show the elf searching him that he has no knives left; however, the elf finds another one hidden in Fili's hood. An elf hands Legolas Thorin's sword, Orcrist, and he inspects it.

"This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin."

"Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me."

Legolas points the sword at Thorin.

"Not just a thief, but a liar as

(Y/n) stands in front of Thorin protectively.

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