Lord Elrond (Part 2)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Thorin steps forward so that Lord Elrond is able to see him clearly.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain" he said with a gentle voice, compared to Tnorin who held disgust in his.
"I do not believe we have met!"
I walked closer to Elrond, when Tborin saw me he glared.

"You have your grandfather's bearing, I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain" Thorin still continued to fight with him through tone.

"Indeed, he made no mention of you!" He might of done but weren't listening...

Elrond chose to ignore his insult and spoke out loud, in Elvish.
"Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin." (no subtitles; translation is: Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests)

The Dwarves suddenly looked angry...

"What is he saying! Does he offer us insults!?" They had picked up their weapons, so I decided on stepping in.

"No master dwarf he's offering you food!"

They all turn to converse with themselves, before deciding, "Ah well in that case, lead on!"

-Time Skip brought to you by Treebeard! 🌲 🧔-

I am so glad that I will never have these Dwarves as a dinner guest.

"I don't like green food!"

"Where's the meat!?"

"Have they got any chips?"

How inconsiderate of them! Lord Elrond doesn't have to offer his food and home to them!

I couldn't sit with them, they would have gotten on my nerves, instead I sit on the balcony near where Gandalf, Elrond, Bilbo, Thorin and Balin were sitting. Listening to the beautiful and peaceful music of the elven people.

It was dusk, which made it even more peaceful.
At be table they were discussing swords.

"This is Orcrist, the Goblin Cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin. May it serve you well." Elrond gave Gandalf back his sword then moved on to Thorin.

"And this is Glamdring, the Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the goblin wars of the First Age..."

I saw Bilbo unsheathe his dagger/sword but Balin told him that it woudn't likely have a name as it's more of a letter opener than a sword.

"What about yours (Y/n)?" Gandalf asked, pointing to my exotic looking sword.

"What about yours (Y/n)?" Gandalf asked, pointing to my exotic looking sword

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"Oh...erm.." I pulled it out of its sheath and put it on the table.

Thorin, who tried his best to glare at it couldn't, due to its majestic look and the sense of power surging from it.

"It's called The Cyleonth (Sigh-on-th), meaning the Dark one, it's brother is Excalibur, both born of Dragon fire, able to kill living or dead... well that's if you believe the stories I guess" I carefully put it back on my belt and re-assumed my position on the balcony.

"How did you come by these?" Elrond taking the hint that I didn't want to talk about my sword anymore, truth be told it was given to me by my old master or father, Sauron...

"We found them in a troll hoard, on the Great East round, before we were ambushed by Orcs!"

Huh, guess I should have stayed with them...

"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?"

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